IX - Idiot

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(This chapter is confusing since i used to many POV's, i apologize in advance)


Kazutora POV

"Kill.... Kill... Kill..." I hummed, walking back home.

I will definitely kill them next time...

Kisaki ordered me to deal with them after they called me, but i can't really fight that much people alone so of course, i ran away.

I need to report this to Kisaki, but maybe i will wait till tomorrow.

"Kazutora..." I heard a annoying voice come up behind me.

Or not...

I turned around just to meet Kisaki's cold gaze.

"Mh yes?" I answered.

"Why didn't you do your job probably?" He asked.

"Well how can I fight them all on my own?"

"Besides i should have gone just undercover and play nice. They would have revealed their plan..." I added.

Well we don't know the full plan but we do for sure know that they will try to rescue Mikey, Draken would make sure of this.

"We don't need their full plan. It is enough that we know that Draken wouldn't give up on his little boyfriend so easily." Kisaki said, turning around and walking away.

So i took that as my que to leave as well, so i made my way home.

The next morning

Draken POV

I woke up this morning realizing that Chome didn't wake me, like we discussed before.

He fell asleep at the door but it's okay at least nothing happened. we need to be more careful, Kazutora or even Kisaki can find us at any time.

We had luck yesterday that it was only Kazutora, if he had brought more people with him, I'm not sure if we would have won.

We're back to planning were we yesterday left off.

3rd Person POV

After going over the stuff they spoke about yesterday, Naoto finished off with saying.

"So, we left off discussing, if Baji will be the one to turn off the security cameras right?"

"Pretty sure Baji is the fastest among us, so it would be the best to give him this task." Chifuyu said, proud.

"Have no problem with that." Baji calmly stated.

"Good, so next up we need people who watch the exit's and windows at each side of the building." Naoto nodded.

"Since Hanma and Chome don't want to get much involved in this, they can each take a side outside of the building and i will also give them 2 guys from my division." Mitsuya said looking at Draken for approval.

"That doesn't sound to bad, i would say Hanma, Chome, Takemitchy and Naoto will take the exit's, with 2 other guys each. Since Takemitchy and Naoto can't really fight they get the best fighters after the captains from the second division. Since i will need Hakkai and Mitsuya." Draken explained.

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