Chapter 36: Intervention Part 1

Start from the beginning

She had never been this nervous before nor had she expected Captain Atom to inform her that they would be discussing her position in the League today.

The League was deconstructing every aspect of her life, her relationship with (Y/n) and what exactly he's done in the past months. Zatanna tried to fill in the gaps of their information, they only knew about the terrible things reported on in the news and what (Y/n) told them, which wasn't much. Zatanna's information was overlooked and she was helpless to stop the discussion turning against her and (Y/n).

They then moved onto discussing (Y/n)'s role with the Team, but that wasn't all, Dick's decision to involve him on several missions was called into question. Dick's relationship wasn't the only one in question, M'gann, Conner, Raquel and Wally, despite his retirement, were all subject to the same scrutiny.

Some Leaguers like Black Canary, Green Arrow and Rocket tried to defend Zatanna and (Y/n), but the damage was done. The League wouldn't be able to see (Y/n) the same, at least not anytime soon. The Reach exposed the Division to the public and the lies they spread had a habit of sticking in the public's memory, no doubt the Light was helping to keep it that way with every television network owned by LexCorp continuously replaying the accusations.

Aquaman: "I believe we've come to a conclusion."

Green Arrow: "Oh come on!"

Rocket: "This isn't fair! He hasn't done anything wrong, we can't push him out for destroying the Reach's fleet!"

Black Canary: "Think about it, if (Y/n) and his JTF hadn't attacked the Reach fleet and the Warworld showed up and events played out the same, what might have happened? We'd be down the entire Team, (Y/n) and his agents would be missing and then the Reach would unveil their massive fleet. We'd be crushed."

Green Arrow: "Do you think we would've been able to stop the Reach if the Reach fleet attacked and they took control of the Warworld? No! Of course not! We're understaffed as it is, we would've been crushed and the Reach's would be occupying the entire planet!"

Captain Atom: "That may be so, but we can't be seen to be cooperating with the Division, they're a government agency that has more than a checkered past, (Y/n) is living proof of that."

As the League went back and forth over (Y/n)'s leadership of the Division and what publicly working with them could cause, Zatanna stood completely still. Tears threatened to run down her face as the people she thought of as friends discussed if they could trust her and if the man she loves is a criminal.

Zatanna's mind was racing. '(Y/n) has always done the right thing and always helped the League the best he could, how can they even be considering this?!' The feeling of betrayal was starting to sink in and overwhelm her.

Captain Atom: "It's time for the vote. Should Zatanna Zatara remain in the Justice League and should we continue to work with the Division?"

Zatanna closed her eyes as the League voted, she couldn't bring herself to watch. The room was silent with the soul exception being the beeps of the holographic computer as the League voted.

Captain Atom stood up as the results for the vote displayed on a large holographic display in the center of the room.

Zatanna finally sighed and opened her eyes, the vote displayed before her caused her heart to skip a beat. She would stay in the League and they would keep working with the Division to combat the Light and the Reach.

Captain Atom: "Any objections? Good then we are adjourned."

Zatanna almost couldn't believe it, she thought for sure she would be kicked out of the League at the very least. She knew her fight was far from over though. The vote was extremely close and would no doubt come up again sooner or later. She would have to prove herself and she knew exactly where to start.

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