Chapter 4 - Date A Dream

Start from the beginning

"1 Planck Length per hour!? Fuck, that's slow."

"Indeed, while it's not a strong as my Creator's, my 'Semi-Pure' Reiryoku is still stronger than Inversed Reiryoku."

"Huh. Okay so this makes me super strong an all that, but how did you even get to me in the first place?"

"Ah well, that's a long story. After granting me a weaker version of Ain's power, my Creator discovered I was incapable of bonding with any human. Or rather, it was possible, only the chances were so low, it would be nigh impossible. One she realized this, she discarded me into the void between worlds."

"!! The same place she chucked Ren."

"Yes, though I was in a completely different area, nowhere near Ren. Some time later, I found a tear in the void. I figured it would lead to either this world of the Neighboring one, but instead, it lead to yours. Unfortunately, the voids pulled me back before I could do much.
Upon entering a second time, I made it much farther, but was ultimately sucked back in. Before that, I sensed a human I was comparable with, if only briefly."


"Yes. I entered your world again and again and again. Eventually, I made it to you, but was sucked back once more. Then, upon returning, I managed to bond with you. Your body, however, could not handle the strain of my Semi-Pure Reiryoku turning you into a Spirit, so I had to strengthen your body.

After that we were sucked back into the void. Ren might have been able to find you, as a Spirit, and the Neighboring World would be dangerous for you, as a new Spirit. After looking through your memories, I decided it would be best to send you to this one."

"That still doesn't explain why you wanted to bond with a host in the first place?"

"It was a selfish desire of mine. My Creator intended to place us in humans for her plans, but I was merely discarded."

"You wanted to make her proud."

"Something like that... In my desire to bond, I neglected to acknowledge your feelings on the matter. For that, I apologize, my Host."

Well this fills up a lot of gaps, but...

"You've got nothing to apologize for."

"But-" I cut her off before she can finish.

"No. Me coming her was sudden, yes, but I'm not upset. I was always a pretty weak guy, now look at me!" I flex my arm muscles of emphasis. "It's a new me in a new world! It's like I've been given a second chance at life! You don't need to apologize. Rather, I should be thanking for giving me a second chance.

So thank you, Helel."

"!!" Helel lets out a gasp in surprise.

"Thank you, my Host."

"No problem. That begs the question, can the other angels talk like you?"

"No. I am the only one of my siblings to have this advanced level of consciousness. The others can do basic things, but nothing more."

"Ah. But how come you can talk and stuff."

"Most likely due to my Creator giving me a weaker version of her power, as opposed to my siblings, who were 'born' with their power."
Of course Mio's power would do something like this. It works completely differently from regular angels.

"Will... will be be able to talk like this often?"

"Only in your dreams."

"Not when I'm awake?"

"No. I have to force the connection. When you are awake, your mind is too guarded for me and I cannot force the connection. When you are asleep, your mind is unguarded, and can be overpowered easily."

"That's a bit concerning..."

"Not to worry, my Host. I'm able to do this due to our connection. I provide a passive protection to your mind to guard from outside forces. I wouldn't want to lose my Host so easily."

Well, that's one worry gone. Wouldn't want to get nabbed by DEM and have them fuck with my mind.

A wave of vertigo hits me out of nowhere.

"Ah, it appears you are waking up."


"Time moves differently here, I suppose. I hope you enjoy the rest of your day, my Host. If you have anymore questions for me, you can ask them tonight."

"...thanks Helel." I say with a smile.

"Anytime, my Host."

The void, along with the platform and Helel's crystal vanish from sight as all fades to black.



I noticed in Date A Live, there's no mention of Helel anywhere. If I recall, there is a Demon King named Lucifer, but that was... the inverse of Metatron, though I could be wrong there. In the end, I decided on Helel. I could've used others like Galgaliel or Ezrael or something else from Eva. (I've been getting recommended clips of Rasiel on YouTube. Screaming 4th dimensional shape of death!)

Not much else to say.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and look forward to the next!

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