Chapter 4: Not Again!

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Talking: "over"
Thinking: "my"
Action: *grab*/*BOOM*
Shouting/yelling: "MIND"
Wishper: "condemned"
Raiden and Aya were on the starting line in a racing stance, Aya had a very confident expression on her face and had a grin, Raiden seemed to be super focused on winning this. They both waited for the countdown to begin.

The specters also waited for the countdown to begin, and a special smug blonde woman who brought two people who were in the crowd watching.

"Three..." Someone with a black and purple dress counted. Raiden and Aya looked forward and focused.

"Two..." Said special blonde woman was eating popcorn but stopped to watch.

"One..." The two racers bodys were ready to immediately jump the second she says start, the cyborg legs quickly surrounded by blue lighting, the crow spread her wings.

"You ready, Raiden?" Aya asked with a grin, still looking forward.

"Too late to say no now." Raiden answered and just like Aya, still looking forward.

Aya just chuckled at that comment.


Not even a second the two racers jumped to action and ran, Aya sprinted so fast that a large dust cloud appeared behind her. Raiden ran with all the strength and power inside his metal body but his efforts were fruitless, as Raiden was already miles behind Aya.

Aya entered into a forest with orange leaves that were falling, she slowed down and sat on a tree bench, and looked behind to see if Raiden was closely behind. After a few seconds Raiden appeared in Aya's sight, she grinned and put both of her arms behind her head, and quickly jumped out from the bench, and sprinted while still keeping her eyes on him.

"Well, well. Nice weather isn't it? The trees are beautiful, maybe I should take a photo of you losing here? Hehe" Aya chuckled and slowed down her speed to his level, and now was next to him.

Raiden didn't even look at her, just running forward and being focused on winning.

"Oh? Got nothing to say? Well I can't blame you, the view is quite beautiful." Aya stated.

"Well, anyway. See you at the finish line!" Aya exclaimed and turned back, and flew forward at super impressive speeds.

"Ah... Crap." Raiden said in his head, now realizing that he can't win at all if he doesn't come up with an idea.

Aya was flying past the trees at world breaking speed, and then she slowed down and turned back to see if he's back again. And as expected Raiden was behind her.

"You broke your promise on going to the finish line huh?" Raiden said.

"Of course, it's isn't fun when you finish the race in a *snap*" Aya responded and snapped her fingers.

She then flew next to him and was ready to mock him again, but... This is exactly what he wanted... Not the mocking part of course... I hope...

Raiden immediately punched her in the face, rolling on to the ground. She stood up and rubbed her head, and then realized that Raiden was gone so she immediately flew to find him. Not even a second she was already next to Raiden with an angry expression.

"What the hell was that for!? And also that was cheating!" Aya shouted at him.

"Cheating is the only way I'm actually having a chance of winning!" Raiden shouted back.

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