Chapter 3: Loyal Wolf

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Talking: "a"
Thinking: "immortal"
Action: *grab*/ *BOOM*
Shouting/yelling: "TEMPTATION"
Wishper: "takes"
Raiden and Yukari stared at each other for a solid moment until Raiden broke the silence.

"Huh? Oh yeah, that..." Raiden said.

"That... didn't answer my question, how are you still alive?!" Yukari asked, still a bit shocked by him not being dead on the spot.

"Well, I'm a cyborg. which You should already know if you know that I have no parents." Raiden answered.

"Yes, I know that but even so, still. You're losing a lot of blood and yet somehow not dead." Yukari responded.

"Eh, doesn't matter too much to me, I don't need too much blood since the only thing that isn't a cyborg enhancement is this *points at his head*" Raiden stated.

"*sigh* Alright, you beat me. And by the way Raiden, you can stop right here and get fixed. I don't want someone who isn't at their full strength. climbing this mountain and probably getting killed because of that." Yukari replied.

"No thanks, I don't need to get fixed. I will get fixed after climbing to the top." Raiden bluntly said. Yukari looked at him in surprise and confusion.

"Are you... sure about that? After this point you can't get fixed and have to fight the yokais here, which aren't pushovers like Cirno but are way stronger and will try their best to stop you." Yukari warned him, still a bit worried that the fun will be over the minute he encounters a yokai.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Raiden responded.

"Are you really sure?" Yukari asked, leaning a bit closer to him while still sitting down.

"I am really sure, Yukari." Raiden answered, which made her sighed.

"*sigh* You really are doing this while in that state, well alright then." Yukari then closed her eyes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Yukari opened one of her eyes, showing a glowing red eye.

Yukari then stood up and summoned a gap behind her and put both of her hands behind her head.

"Anyways, see you on top of the mountain, Raiden." her tone immediately changed from an intimidating voice to her usual tone, and fell into the gap behind her.

After Yukari's gap disappeared, Raiden then prepared himself to face the challenges ahead of him.

"Alright... let's do this" Raiden exclaimed and walked deeper into the forest.
Raiden was walking through the forest for a couple of minutes, getting closer and closer to the bottom of the mountain, And was humming a song that a Brazilian samurai played when fighting him, out of boredom.

While he was still humming the song, Raiden suddenly heard footsteps somewhere around him. He stopped and looked around, and tried to listen closely to know where the footsteps were...

The footsteps were behind him.

Raiden immediately turned back and put his hands up, prepared to fight the person that was sneaking up on him. He saw a person but couldn't clearly see in the trees slowly walking towards him.

"Stop right there! Don't even think about stepping an inch closer!" Raiden shouted at the mystery person, which made the person actually stop.

Raiden still can't see the person clearly, but the only thing that he saw clearly is that her body shape seemed to be a young woman.

Mystery Metal Swordsmen From The Outside World  [Discontinued] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt