Chapter thirty one - Unlikely Alliance

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"No. I want to retrain you." I gave him a confused look and he let out an annoyed sigh before continuing. "I've already taught you how to fight well enough to the point where you beat me a couple times. You've lost your touch." I scoffed.

"I haven't lost my touch I lost my memory." I spoke as I crossed my arms. Techno was working on the farm while I stood near the entrance.

"It should be muscle memory. You've gone soft and haven't been training every morning like you used to." He said without looking up from what he was doing.

"How would you know? According to my brothers I haven't seen you in years."

"Yeah well there's a lot there not telling you." He grumbled. I didn't bother continuing the conversation and instead decided to walk away. I made my way to the conference room where no doubt Will would be.

"Wilbur." I spoke as I entered the larger room. We had created the conference room a couple days prior. It was the second largest room in the ravine, the farm being the first. And the only thing in the room was a giant table smack dab in the middle.

"Yes?" He questioned looking up from the plans scattered on the table with a quirked eyebrow. He'd been in here for hours apon hours for the last couple days, alone, just planning.

"Who is he." I stated. He gave me a confused expression, so I continued. "He won't stop talking about training me so who the hell is he? I clearly knew him! Why won't you just tell me how?!" His expression hardened and anger grew in his features.

"You don't need to know. Just leave it alone."

"No! I want to know! What if knowing who he is could bring my memories back?! What if-" He slammed his fist on the table. The action scared me and I froze. It reminded me of a memory Schlatt had forced to surface.


"Tommy stay here." I whispered to the boy in the pitch black room.

"Where are you going?" There was panick in his voice.

"It's going to be ok. I'm just going to check on dad." I soothed.

"No! He'll hurt-" I shoved my hand over his mouth.

"You have to stay quiet Tommy!" I whisper shouted. We were hiding in the basement. Dad never went down there because the only entrance was a trapped door in the hallway that was covered by a rug.

"I promise I'll be right back, I just need to see if he left yet." It had gotten quiet upstairs, so I was pretty sure he was gone but just to be safe I needed to check myself. I felt him nod so I removed my hand and searched for the trap door. Once I found it I removed the lock and started to open the door.

"Be careful." I turned back to where I heard my brother.

"Don't worry. I'll be fine." I reassured before exiting the pitch black room. I walked down the slim hallway until I reached the living room. No one. I then made my way through to the kitchen where to my dismay I found my father. I quickly ducked behind the wall back into the living room, but it was too late. He saw me. I heard him slam his fist on the kitchen counter before his voice boomed.

"There you are you rat! Where the hell have you been hiding huh?! Where's your good for nothing baby brother!?" I didn't respond. I hoped that maybe if I didn't say anything he would think I was never there and that it was just his imagination. What a naive little girl I was.

"I'm talking to you!" He shouted before coming around the corner and grabbing my arm. The action scared me and I let out a screech. I knew I was in for it then.


I shook the memory away and just stared into space unable to think about anything else but my father. I didn't realize Wilbur was still trying to talk to me. I didn't see Tommy walk into the room. I didn't hear any of them. I didn't feel my breathing quicken. Or feel myself slowly fall to the ground. I didn't see Dream enter the room either.

But I did feel his arms wrap around me. I felt him place his hand on my cheek and turn my head to look at him. My vision sort of refocused and I could just barely see his lips moving, but there was still no sound. I tried my hardest to push the thoughts out of my head and focus on Dream, but it was no use. I could only think about my father. The pain. The fear. All of it. Every moment I was ever scared of him. For a second I thought, It's funny how just one action can cause all this.

After a minute or so I noticed Dreams lips had stopped moving. I saw him hesitate before pulling me in and connecting our lips. My eyes widened before they fluttered shut and the thoughts about my father vanished. All I could think about was his lips on mine and how good it felt. How much I missed him. How much I loved him. When we pulled apart though it was a different story.



1568 words

*cough* your welcome *cough*

Welp I hope you enjoyed and if so please vote.

Also I can't believe the summers almost over already. That's insane. And I'm so not ready for school.

Have a great day/night. Bye!

Author out o7

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