Chapter 26

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ϟ Chapter 26 ϟ

He paused and looked at me and I just knew someone hurt him...Someone did that to him.

My heart dropped.

He looked away and then continued "I stayed inside the bathroom for what seemed like forever. I was terrified to go back out there and risk them asking me questions. I was told to not let or tell anyone about my bruises"

"Who? Who gave you those bruises?" I found myself asking without really thinking

He closes his eyes and lets out a sign "My mum's boyfriend"

"Her boyfriend?"

He nods

"Does it still happen?'

He nods "It's not the same man as before...each one is worst than the other"

I didn't know how to respond so I grabbed his hand as he had when I told him about my problems.

He didn't turn to look at me but he smiled. After a minute of silence, he let go of my hand and grabbed his wand again as he stood.

He pointed it to himself and mumbled a spell.

His back and arms were covered with old cuts and bruises.

I gasped and quickly stood up. I ran my fingers through them. Blaise's face fell and he mumbled another spell that I was used to hearing.

They were gone. The bruises and cuts slowly faded and his skin was now clear like mine only because of the spell.

He looked at me and I saw the hurt in his eyes. I wanted to tell him. Tell him that my father who was supposed to love and care for me used to punish me to the point that he needed to use the spell daily. He wasn't alone and I deeply wanted to tell him but instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him.

He hugged me tightly against him.

I slowly pull away "Draco...does he know?"

He nods

I hug him again. I didn't want to question him anymore. "I'll help you like Draco is helping me. I won't let you go through this alone as I did"

I don't respond to him.

Now I'm the one that's hugging him tighter. What did I do to deserve him?

He was such an amazing friend to me and I've done nothing to deserve it.

All I could do was offer him my support as he did to me and hope it would be enough.

We stay like this for a while longer until we both pulled away and headed up to our rooms. I couldn't believe that I finally told someone about that night. The weight that I held because of that was lifted from my shoulders.

I never thought I could forget about that night but maybe I could? With the help of my friends and I could possibly help Blaise along the way.

The thought of helping him made my heart warm. Could we both get through this pain?

I hope that it's possible. If not me then for Blaise himself.

I walked into the room and closed the door behind me. Draco was still sleeping which made me feel relieved.

The last thing that I wanted was for something else to happen tonight. I was tired, mentally and physically and all I wanted was to sleep.

I went to my side of the bed and got under the covers.

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