35. All Hell Breaks Loose

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The uproar was impossible to avoid now. Those freed were directed to the exit. Few kept around to help others get out just as quickly. The Death Eaters that were overrun by inmates received a taste of their own medicine. Their unconscious bodies were locked away.

Through the runners, I searched for Jenelle. I knew she'd look for me if she saw who was liberating the prisoners. But I couldn't catch any glimpse of her. Perhaps she's heading outside, waiting for the flow to die down before she comes back in. While the notion would be welcome, it would be dumb on her part to come back in defenseless.

"I think we're clear," said Malfoy, taking his look around the levels. "Hopefully Potter and Weasley have cleared out the men's area."

"We can go help them," I suggested.

"Neville!" Hermione pushed her way through the last throngs of escapees. She bent over slightly to catch her breath. "They took her, Neville."

Jenelle. "Blast it. Where?"

"I-I'm not sure, but I know she's not here."

"I've got your back, Longbottom," said Malfoy firmly. I nodded in thanks.

Hermione disappeared with the rest of the freed captives while Malfoy and I left for other parts of the building. Any Death Eaters we encountered fought briefly before Disapparating away. Catching them all will be impossible. We'll capture who we can.

We found a stairwell, taking our time, scouring the levels for any enemies. We didn't come across many. Doors opened and slammed shut, frantic feet ran away from our approach.

When we exited the stairwell, the walls and floor began to rumble all around. I lost my balance, careening into the nearest wall. Malfoy lost his footing, landing on the ground.

"The bloody hell?" he snarled. I helped him to his feet.

"We've got to keep going," I told him. "I'm not leaving until we find Jenelle."

"Cool, then once you find your little love interest, I have someone I'm not leaving here without either."

"You think it's funny, do you?"

"I'm not joking, Longbottom."

I believed him.

Our dizzying turns led us to a set of double doors. There was commotion on the other side. As we approached, the ground beneath us rumbled in anger. Almost as though it wanted us gone.

We ran through the tunnel, exposed to more chaos. Spots of black ran for cover or Disapparated. At the mouth of the tunnel, I could see the true scope of what this was. A dueling arena. Above, the ceiling was falling apart, raining pieces down on the stands as well as inside the arena.

In the midst of the place coming apart, through the dust, I could make out figures. I have to try to find her. I can't leave without her. We've been together through this from the start. That's how we're going to finish this.

Falling chunks of ceiling became a hazard. I looked through the stands. No one remained, with the exception of a few unfortunate souls to be crushed by incoming debris.

"Jenelle!" I cupped my hands to let my voice carry. "Jenelle!" I ducked as a green blast came for my head. I hid behind the nearest chunk of ceiling, Malfoy beside me.

"Was it her?"

"Can't be, she wouldn't try to kill me." I poked my head up.

It wasn't Jenelle, but the woman had a sinister look in her eyes. Her gold waves fell long, eyes full of murderous intentions. The woman in front of her had locks dark like raven feathers. Her eyes were empty.

The Lion and the Eagle |Neville Longbottom|حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن