16. "It's Good, Feeling Something Other Than Pain Again."

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Autumn made its presence known

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Autumn made its presence known. The tree leaves turned various shades of orange, red, and brown, dancing to the ground. The temperatures dropped. This would mean some danger for Neville and me regarding food sources. The animals would probably go into hibernation or move somewhere else.

Thankfully, my fever broke yesterday. That didn't mean we were allowed to move yet, according to Neville. He wanted to make sure I could go a day without any problems.

I had to admit, having Neville around was a good thing. I couldn't believe I had wanted him to not come with me. He made things much easier, though we shared burdens equally. He still hunted but didn't take an entire day. Instead, he went out periodically.

I rose later than usual. There was no achy or crappy feeling in sight.

"You got up, finally," Neville teased me.

I jumped right off the cot, startled. "Yup, and you know what? I feel really good today," I chirped, stretching. "Have you been out yet for food?"


"Good. I want to go with you."

"I don't know if that's a good idea," he said uncertainly. "You're supposed to be good for a whole day before we can move."

"I know. I want to prove that I'm okay."

"You never wanted to hunt the first time I asked. What's gotten into you?"

"You should be grateful I'm willing to do it rather than complain about it."

"You're a bit mouthy this morning, too," he muttered.

"I heard that."

"Go on and get ready. I'll wait outside. Oh...you might want to put on layers, it's snowing out."


"Yeah...you get a few November snow days. Where've you been?"

"Wallowing in my past," I said flatly. "It makes you forget some of your common sense."

"Sorry I asked."

Neville left while I tended to getting myself dressed. I ended up taking his advice and packed on layers. Once I was toasty, I fetched my wand and stepped out.

It wasn't a blizzard, just a gentle snowfall. The trees were becoming coated, and already I couldn't see the ground. Above, the sky was a peaceful grey.

"Wow..." I whispered, a smile creeping up on my lips. Home couldn't give me this view since we didn't live near any woods. This was absolutely beautiful. There weren't too many times in my life where I saw a true winter wonderland.

The Lion and the Eagle |Neville Longbottom|Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя