03. First Shift

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            Things were definitely looking up the next morning

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            Things were definitely looking up the next morning. I had a new surge of energy, something that I hadn't had for a long time. My normal routine seemed to fly by with my improved mood. I even made my bed.

Breakfast was upbeat; I helped Mum with food. I noticed my parents' surprised looks. To surprise them even further, I didn't even ask how Mum wanted the dishes done; I did them without magic.

"I think this job really brought some life back in her!" I heard Mum squeak to Dad in the living room while I washed the dishes, the soap water bubbling in the sink. I had to be careful when I submerged my hand; there were knives and forks that could stab me.

"She does seem to be unusually happy this morning," Dad noted.

"I think Rosmerta giving her that job has really made a difference!"

"She hasn't gone yet, Claire."

"I think the idea of having some place to go now has really given her a morale boost."

"I'm concerned about when she goes to work."

"Huh?" Mum's voice lost its happiness. "What do you mean?"

"I'm glad Jenelle got her job, but where she works is what concerns me," Dad repeated. "I know Rosmerta will watch over her, but there will be times where she can't."

"Nonsense. If Jen," that was my nickname my parents rarely used for me, "can handle advanced potions, a little hard work can't stop her."

"Yes, but potions and serving people are two totally different things. Potions don't get angry at you if you get their order wrong or take too long."

"If they realize she's just starting out they'll be kind to her," Mum retorted.

"I hope so, because if any of them give her a hard time, they'll have to answer to me."

"Oh, Kevin, you know better!"

The water trickled down the drain. I cleaned the dishes with a towel rag, still no magic needed. My wand was upstairs, and honestly, I felt like doing everything how a Muggle would, except laundry.

* * *

"Right on time!" Rosmerta crowed when I walked into the Three Broomsticks. "Ready to help?"

"Yup," I said, feeling a little nervous. I had been so ready all day that I hadn't thought about being nervous until I actually got here.

"Don't worry," she said calmly. "I'll give you the easier ones. It's best to start out small." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me to put me in my place. People were murmuring, some shouting (they clearly were drinking), and those at the bar chatted quietly.

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