If you haven't guessed, Tommy has gotten over his phase of being around Sapnap. Of course he clings to him when Quackity isn't around, but he prefers mama bird now. Soon enough they all finished eating and was making their way out of the door. Tommy had his small black backpack on his back. Karl tried to get one with spiderman or batman, or some super hero, but Tommy wanted a plain bag. They quickly realized that Tommy wasn't like other kids. Other kids are interested in toys, while Tommy was not, other kids play with each other, but whenever Tommy is at the playground, he isn't interested in people.

Maybe he will be interested in the new friend he will make today? Quackity opened the front door before he saw a little Tommy run out. "Tommy!" Sapnap yelled running after the younger. Tommy giggled as he managed to dodge Sapnap. The younger fluttered his wings which made his weight slightly lighter, which means he's more agile. After a few attempts, Sapnap manages to grab Tommy, Sapnap let out a grunt since he was winded.

"Winded by a 3 year old, congrats head of military," Quackity scoffed before taking Tommy from Sapnap. "Then you catch him next time," Sapnap replied with a slight growl. "No thanks, that's your job," Quackity replied with a toothy smile. The younger rolled his eyes as Karl giggled. Quackity rest Tommy down so the younger could walk with Sapnap. Since Sapnap is way taller than the younger, he wraps his tail around his wrist. They begin walking, it would take them a while to get there so, they can just enjoy the scenery as they walk.

Tommy, being a curious three year-old, was looking around everywhere. Some of the people, who passed by, found him cute. They would coo, wave or make kissy faces, at him. One of the elder ladies, who was walking past, spotted Tommy, "Aww well aren't you the cutest thing. What's your name?" She asked. "Tommy," the younger replied for himself. "You are quite the brave one! Are these your parents?" She asked looking up at Karl, Quackity and Sapnap. "Yes," Tommy replied, the older woman smiled before reaching into her pocket and pulling out a toffee. "Here, since you have been so kind to me," she smiled handing Tommy the candy.

Tommy took the candy before looking at it, "Thank you," he said with a soft smile. The lady smiled before standing up and waving all four of them. Karl, Sapnap and Quackity waved back with a smile. "You like your candy Tommy?" Karl asked causing Tommy to nod. Tommy opened the wrapper for himself before looking at the milk chocolate toffee. Tommy handed it to Sapnap, the older shook his head, "It's yours Tommy," he replied. "No, can you break it in fourths?" he asked.

Sapnap raised an eyebrow before fulfilling the request. Tommy gave one piece to Sapnap, then a next to Karl and another to Quackity. "Aww Gracias, Thomas," Quackity smiled brightly. Tommy's left cheek turned a slight shade of pink before he popped his toffee in his mouth. "You're so kind Tommy," Karl smiled. Tommy didn't say anything, which was their cue to continue walking. They walked passed Kinko Park, Kinko Garden, Kinko Temple and many more places.

Tommy heard the bells being rung as he passed Kinko Shrine, which happens to be next to the temple. He glanced over to see people throwing in coins and praying to the gods above. "Wonder which God they are praying for," Tommy thought to himself before turning his head forward. A lot has been added for the past two years, some ideas came from Tommy but mainly they were from Karl. The shrine was Karl's idea, he realized that the people pray to different gods so he had the shrine built.

Soon enough Tommy got tired of walking, he let out a slight whine before making grabby hands to the older. Sapnap sighed before picking up Tommy with a slight grunt. "You know I'm tired too Tommy," Sapnap sighed out. "You can't be tired, your legs are longer than mine," Tommy replied shaking his head. Quackity and Karl laughed, "That doesn't mean I don't get tired," Sapnap chuckled. Tommy shook his head, "Impossible," Tommy replied. "Oh yeah? Do you even know the meaning of that word?" Sapnap scoffed. "It means, it's not able to happen," Tommy replied.

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