Chapter 6

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It's been a two years since that day. Tommy is now a talking three year old. He walks and runs around now, the running is a huge problem. He's tried running away a lot which can be annoying, but at least it keeps the couple on their toes. Today Tommy was supposed to meet someone special. Who could it be? Tommy wondered to himself as he walked down the steps. He was already dressed for the occasion. He wore a white yukata with a purple ribbon in the back. He had on white socks to go with his small wooden, geta, sandals.

Tommy's horns and tail has gotten bigger due to his age. It's almost the size of a female's index finger. Tommy's jet black hair was to his shoulders, when Sapnap tried to cut it the first time, Tommy screamed and cried. Well I guess he wants his hair long, Sapnap thought to himself with a sigh. Then it was set in stone! Sapnap was right behind Tommy making sure he doesn't fall down the stairs.

Tommy reached the bottom and jumped down before running to the kitchen. "Tommy, what have I told you about running around!" Sapnap yelled stepping towards the younger. Tommy continued and made his way into the kitchen. Quackity and Karl were there, Quackity was making breakfast while Karl was reading the newspaper. Tommy made his way to Quackity, "Mamá!" He called for the older. Quackity, without looking, scooped Tommy up in his wing before holding the younger in his off hand.

"Oye Toms (Hey Toms)," Quackity smiled, he was more focused on the breakfast he was making. Tommy just wrapped his hands around Quackity's neck before looking over at Karl. Karl glanced over at Tommy before making a funny face. Tommy giggled as he watched Karl, the older always made him laugh. Once Tommy had enough giggle time, Karl went back to reading the newspaper. He had a pen in hand with a highlighter on the table. He gets his news from his secret messenger, he knows almost everything about everyone. Call it creepy if you must, but Karl is doing what he needs to do as ruler, even if it's a little off.

Tommy watched back at what Quackity was doing. He was making bacon, French toast and, on the other burner, hot chocolate was being made. "Mamá," Tommy spoke. "¿Sí Thomas?" Tommy didn't say anything just hugged Quackity tighter, "Ah quieres mi atención (Ah you want my attention," he giggled out. Quackity finished making the French toast and bacon before he littered Tommy's face with kisses. Tommy giggled and smiled at the affection.

Quackity took the hot coco off the stove as Tommy littered his face with kisses back. Quackity smiled before walking over to Tommy's seat. He rest the younger down in the high chair, before walking towards the stove again. He needed both of his hands in order to distribute the plates. Tommy became a big fussy from the lack of the older. "En un momento Thomas," Quackity spoke plating all the food. Tommy whined even more which irritated Quackity a bit.

The older sighed as he filled up a bottle of milk for the younger. He cooled the hot coco from the stove before putting the bottle in Tommy's mouth. Tommy drank from the bottle before holding it in his hands. Quackity went back to plating the food, once he was finished he put it in front of Karl and Sapnap before he rest a plate for himself and Tommy. Quackity sighed as he sat down in his seat. Once Tommy had enough of the bottle he took it out of his mouth before he burped.

Tommy rest the bottle down before looking over at Quackity. Quackity looked back before sticking out his tongue, which caused Tommy to giggle. Quackity sat up before he fed Tommy and himself, anything Quackity ate, Tommy would eat. Quackity broke up the French toast in chewable pieces, so Tommy doesn't choke. He put it on a plate so Tommy could eat for himself, he is old enough to not get babied anymore, well not that baby but you know what I mean!

Tommy ate at his own pace as he stared out to space. The older three can never tell what's on the young netherian's mind. Tommy mindlessly ate his French toast before looking over at Quackity again. Quackity finished with his before he gave Tommy a piece of bacon. Tommy bore his sharp teeth before chewing on the strip of meat. Karl watched as Tommy ate, he took a mental note not to let Tommy chew on his fingers. Sapnap on the other hand was just chilling, he finished his food and now was drinking his hot chocolate.

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