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        Miguel and Dylan walked to the dojo on a sunny afternoon, both still excitedly talking  about the fight that they were in a few days prior

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        Miguel and Dylan walked to the dojo on a sunny afternoon, both still excitedly talking  about the fight that they were in a few days prior. They still couldn't believe all the skills they managed to use against him with only a few weeks of training. When they got closer to the dojo, they were surprised to see a long line of kids their age and some a little younger waiting for them. When they got closer to the line, a few kids looked at them and whispered to each other, talking about the fight at school. The sounds of whispers were interrupted by the parking space being filled by Johnny's car in front of them, who was now wearing the same surprised expression that the two teenagers once had as he saw the massive line. He smiled at the two proudly, walking up to the door and unlocking it with his key.

"Look's like we're in business." The man replied, excited for the new students. Johnny went to his office in the back of the dojo, while Dylan and Miguel opened the doors for students to come in. Dylan looked at the group, before two familiar faces appeared in front of her.

"D? Eli? What are you guys doing here?"

"Karate?" Demetri said, rolling his eyes at his cousin before walking inside. She rolled her eyes at him, knowing he was just getting defensive, and closing the door and walking to the back to change into her gi. Once she was done, she was met with Miguel and Aisha, who walked to the back to change too. She looked at her sensei through the windows of his office, seeing the nervous look on his face, and walked in. His eyes met hers, and he gave her a small smile.

"Hey sensei, you ok?"

"I'm fine. Great actually, just can't wait to see what these kids can do." He said, more to himself than to the girl in front of him. She nodded, before going back out front to meet the crowd. She went over to her cousin who was talking with his shorter friend, both nervous about the practice ahead of them.

"Why did I let you talk me into this? This goes against everything I stand for." Demetri said to his blonde friend next to him. They both stopped continued talking when Dylan walked towards them. Eli looked at the girl and gave her a small smile, before turning back to his friend, who was eyeing him.

"I can't believe your here, D. I must say I'm pretty surprised." She said smiling at her cousin. He rolled his eyes at her, continuing his conversation with Eli.

"It's like extra gym class for no reason."

"Let's just give it a chance, you saw the fight. Dylan and Miguel kicked ass." Eli said, making Dylan smile to herself.

"Okay, today we begin.." Johnny started to say, but stopped when he realized no one was paying attention.

"Quiet!" The man shouted, causing every kid in the room to turn to him. Dylan quickly walked to the front with the other two, who were now facing front at Johnny's command. He narrowed his eyes, looking at the kids in the room. Dylan followed his steps, and he continued to walk, now towards her cousin and his friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2022 ⏰

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