Chapter Twenty-One, Memories of The Past

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Over the course of the next few days, Futaro kept trying to get him and Nino to come back, with little success, Nino would always return to the hotel where security would come and take him away. One day, while Rokuro was going up to the hotel room, he heard Futaro shouting at Nino.

"I'm not gonna give up! I will bring you two back, whatever it takes!!!" He shouted before being pushed out. Nino sighed and walked up to Rokuro, looking at him with annoyance.

"Was he always like this?" She asked, scowling.

"Kinda yea, once he wants to do something, he tries as hard as he can to get it done, he'll be back." Rokuro replied, Nino scoffed and kept walking, as Rokuro followed her he looked down, he wanted to help Futaro, but he didn't know how. If Nino got angry and kicked him out, there'd be no one to make sure she got her homework done. His thoughts suddenly drifted to Itsuki, he wondered if she was doing alright, getting her things done. His chest tightened suddenly, he missed her.

"Hey, are you listening!?" Nino demanded, he jumped slightly as he was brought back to reality and looked up, Nino's face was close to his, his face flushed red and he backed up quickly.

"Y-yea?" He asked.

"I've been calling your name, attention. Did you want to come with me to go shopping later?" She said.

"Oh! I can't, I got work later." Rokuro replied, Nino sighed and looked away, Rokuro frowned and walked over to her.

"Did you want me to come that badly?" Rokuro asked, Nino blushed and shook her head.

"It's not that! I just didn't wanna go alone.." Nino muttered, Rokuro stared at her for a long time, before sighing.

"I'm sorry Nino-tya, if I could take off I would come with you, but they're always swamped on Wednesdays." Rokuro answered.

"It's whatever, I just wanted to be able to talk to someone while I went shopping. But that being said, you're still at risk for having daymares, so I'm gonna stay with you for a bit, I don't want you passing out on me." Nino said sternly, he smiled and nodded before going into the other room to take a shower. He sat there for a few minutes, thinking about the past. For the first time in 5 years, he remembered his mom's smile, how much warmth it brought to his life. He remembered the faces of his siblings, their smiling faces as they all played together, tears formed in his eyes, but a smile formed on his face. As he got out of the shower, put his clothes on, and put makeup on his scars, he remembered more. He remembered his dad telling him the stories that his great grandfather had once told him of living in America, it made him shake with joy and longing, he was remembering farther back. He walked out into the living room of the apartment to see Nino cleaning up, she looked up at him and her eyes widened.

"What's wrong!?" She asked worriedly.

"Nino...I can remember.." He muttered.

"Huh? Remember what?" Nino replied.

"I can remember my family! Their faces, how they talked, life before they were gone.." Rokuro said happily.

"Your entire family is gone!? I thought it was just your mom!!!" Nino exclaimed.

"Oh yea you don't know, yea it's not just my mom, my entire family passed away in that fire. Mom, dad, brothers, sister. All gone." Rokuro explained.

"I'm so sorry...wait, Uesugi said you can't remember past your mom's death, you mean you remember past that?!!" Nino said in bewilderment.

"Yea! I remember playing with my siblings, my dad telling me stories his grandfather told him, and my mother sitting outside and watching me and my siblings play, smiling at us!" Rokuro said, tears streaming down his cheeks now. Nino smiled and put her fist to his chest.

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