Chapter Four, On Shaky Ground

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After Nino's little escapade, Rokuro decided to cut tutoring day short by taking Futaro to his house. As they were leaving, Ichika and Itsuki stopped him.

"I'm very sorry about Nino's behavior, I don't know why she did that." Itsuki said, bowing.

"Whatever, I just don't want anything happening to Futaro. He's like family to me." Rokuro said as he looked down, lost in thought. He felt arms wrap around him and looked up, Ichika had pulled him into a hug.

"Feel better?" Ichika asked teasingly, he hated to admit it but he slowly nodded, his face bright pink, she giggled and let go.

"There, all better. Caio Touko-kun." Ichika said before walking back inside.

"Touko, let's go, Raiha is making curry." Futaro called.

"Okay okay, bye Itsuki-san. I'll see you in class tomorrow." Rokuro said before leaving, he briefly turned around to see Itsuki waving to him, he smiled lightly and waved back before running to catch up with Futaro.

"You really like that Itsuki girl don't you." Futaro said as Rokuro caught up.

"I do not! She's just the friendliest one." Rokuro reasoned.

"Ichika seems really friendly too." Futaro said as he looked at him with a disapproving face.

"Oh shut it Uesugi." Rokuro said with a scowl, they walked in silence until they arrived at the Uesugi house, walking inside to the smell of curry.

"Raiha, I'm home." Futaro called, a young girl jumped into the hallway and hugged her brother, she suddenly took notice of him and stared quizzically.

"Who's that big brother?" She asked.

"This is Rokuro Touko, a friend I met a long time ago." He answered, she looked back up at Rokuro and cocked her head to the side, as if she was studying him.

"His eyes are scary." She said.

"Aw what?!" Rokuro pouted, he sighed and turned around, getting ready to leave.

"Where are you going? Not gonna stay for dinner?" Futaro asked.

"Nah, I'm gonna go home, plus I got something I need to work on." Rokuro said, he waved bye then left, as he walked down the street he looked up to the sky in deep thought.

"I've gotten no closer to finding that girl..." Rokuro muttered to himself, he looked down at his phone and sighed, thinking of what to do.

"It will be almost impossible to find her like this, I'd have to search the entire planet at the same time to look for her efficiently. Koh-kun said he'd look in the U.S while I looked here, but..." He stopped, squeezing his phone in her hand.

"I guess all I can do is keep looking around here, she's my age so she should be in Highschool. I can't let all the work Kio-kun did for me go to waste...I'm going to find her and confront her as I am now."



The next day Rokuro was walking to school, deep in thought when he took notice of a skateboard that was lying on the ground.

"Did someone lose this?" He questioned as he picked up, he turned it over and noticed a note on it.


"I'm sure it's broken somehow, but oh well." He said, taking it. He suddenly got an idea and looked around for a passing car. There was an all black one with tinted windows that was driving past, a perfect opportunity. He waited for it to pass by and got on the skateboard, using one big push to propel himself forward. He flew forward just enough to grab onto the back of the car, letting it drag him.

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