Chapter 5

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Obito stares at the cat-person in the distance while sitting on the roof. The cat-person knew that he was being watched so he used his full speed to disappear.

Obito: He's fast, I'll give him that. But his level doesn't even get on par with the woman in the restaurant. But when I used my Sharingan. He has that same type of energy, low but the same type... Is that the Familia thing?

Obito thought. He used his Sharingan to measure the strength of the cat-person. But that same color that he saw, is similar to Mama Mia at the restaurant.

He deduced that the two might be connected as their power comes from a single giver. The Familia Head, a god or a goddess.

Obito needed as much information as he needed. And for some reason, he couldn't understand why?

Why does he care? Why is he doing this? After all, he doesn't even belong in this world. Something is going on that is even interrupting with his judgement.

Obito: 'There must be a place where all the information is stored. Like a town hall or something. Like...'

Man: I heard that the Guild is posting some new bounties for some Evilus members.

Man 2: They've been a pain in the ass. Luckily, we have the strong familias.

Man: Don't depend on them too much, because they won't be there if you need help. You only need to rely on yourself and become much stronger.

Man 2: Yeah, yeah, sure. Let's just meet up with the others.

Obito heard the conversation between the two adventurers under the building. After talking, they both stood up from their seats and left, going east in his direction.

Obito: A guild... Sound 'bout right. That's definitely a place where information can be stored.

He jumps through the building to the building. His speed is something that can even be considered a jõnin level some it's like a Mid Level 4. But Obito already knew that... His abilities have decreased drastically.

Then after landing in a roof just some blocks before the guild. He heard a large explosion in the distance! He turned immediately and tried to find where it was.

There are smokes coming from some buildings in the opposite direction of his destination.

Obito: What the... Hell was that?


Screams everywhere, blood, mess. It was a Magic Stone manufacturing establishment. But in a mere moment. The wall exploded and people in white robes came rushing in and started killing everyone.

It was the Evilus. They've been targeting the Magic Stone manufacturing for quite some time now but no one knew the reason for it.

Evilus: Kill everyone! Leave no one alive!

*Scream* *Running*

Evilus 2: Die! Become sacrifices, people of Orario!

They overpowered the people inside due to strength differences. Especially that the people who work there didn't have any Falna.

The normal, manufacturing building has become a mess, burning, establishment. The Evilus sure do have a reason, but they're covering it up as random attacks.

Evilus: Hehehe... Time to die!

Random Worker: P-Please let me go! I... I have a family, I'm their only provider, please!

The random Worker who was cornered during the evacuation was trembling, in the corner of their office while a blue robed man was standing in front of her, holding a black cursed dagger.

The blue robed man looked at her with laughter, having enjoyed her suffering and beggings.

Evilus: You don't have to worry, soon, Orario will be filled with blood, death, and suffering! And I'll make sure, that your family... Will follow you to heaven.

The man raised his hand. Ready to kill the woman. She screamed out of fear for her life as the man swung his blade.

But millimeters before it hits. It stopped.

Evilus: What?!

Obito: I won't let you!

Obito grabbed his wrist, then squished it, breaking it, causing him to drop his Dagger. He knew that this person was a Level 3, but one of the people he was looking for.

Obito: Blue robe? Are you one of the higher up?

Evilus: Grrrr. I'll kill you!

The Evilus quickly picked up his knife and started to attack Obito. When he swung his dagger towards Obito's heart.

Evilus: Die!

He then passed through him. The confusion on his face was revealed when he went off balance and his entire head followed as well. He passed through him. He passed through him like a ghost.

Evilus: W-What the hell is happening!?

He gained his balance again and this time, without looking back, he kicked Obito, who was just standing there, without even looking at him.

But again! His kick passes through Obito. Bewildering him to the core of his soul!

Evilus: I... I wasn't wrong... I pass through you! How!!

Obito, grabbed his leg, when he completely passed through him, using his right hand. The evilus member was about to lose his sanity when he tried to process what just happened.

Evilus: No! Y-You can touch me! So why can't I do the same!

He screamed, screamed out loud as the others heard him from all directions. Obito then just let out a small giggle before staring at him in the eye.

Obito: Kamui!

Spiraling Vortex came out of Obito's right eye, continuously sucking the blue robed man inside! His body deformed as he warp inside the pocket dimension.

Evilus 2: Quickly! Kill that man immediately!

Evilus 3-4: Arhhh!!!

Two evilus members charged at him for their full speed, swinging their swords at him. But Obito didn't flinch even a bit. He just looked at the black dagger he was holding, before entering a stance.

Obito: Let's make this fun, shall we?

Obito rushed past the two evilus and went straight for the guy that stood behind while giving orders.

Obito swung his blade to his arm, which he barely avoided. Then that Evilus used his black sword and clashed with Obito's.

But Obito then quickly attacks  his open area, which results him from going off balance.

One of the guys he ran past earlier came rushing back to him with the intent to kill him, swinging his sword from behind.

But Obito, again, de-materialized his body, resulting for the man to pass through him and swung the sword to the man who was sitting on the floor.

Evilus 2: Argh!

Evilus 3: H-How! I... Passed throu-?

He couldn't finish his sentence as his head rolled on the ground with tons of blood flowing out.

Evilus 4: W-Who are you?! W-W-What are you!?

Obito: Me...? I'm the...

Obito's red eyes illuminate along with the blazing fires from the building, eyes of a monster that was born from hatred. His Mangekyo Sharingan.

Obito: Ghost of the Uchiha... Or not.

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