Chapter 15: "You Will Always Have My Heart"

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I didn't hear from Leo for the next few months, hoping he was just too busy. It felt like a slow moving hell, being buried in my college assignments, while our kiss kept lingering in the back of my mind. I kept having nightmares where Leo would never speak to me again, but I was trying desperately to get to him. I felt drained as I lied on the couch in the living room, finally on my summer break, which also meant my first year of college was completed. I reluctantly sat up when I heard the doorbell in the morning, almost slamming the door since it was a stranger.

"Hey! It's me, Tobey," the person called, me knitting my eyebrows together in confusion. I gradually reopened the door, just looking at the guy with dark brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hi... What are you doing here," I softly asked.

"Leo felt bad that he hadn't gotten a chance to call you all this time. He's been moving from a lot of different locations. He just called me from Belgium recently."

"Oh." My face flushed a bit, since I was still a mess when talking with new people sometimes.

"He said he's coming home really soon."

I nodded a tiny bit as I fiddled with my fingers, chewing on my lower lip. "Do you want to come in? We have some snickerdoodles."

"Sure," he warmly smiled, stepping inside.

"My parents already left for work. Um, do you want milk with that? We only have almond milk right now."

"Yeah, that's okay."

I led him over to the small table in the kitchen, him sitting down after I set a small plate of two cookies before him, along with a half full glass of milk.

"You really are as pretty as Leo said," Tobey commented after a few minutes of silence.

"Thanks... He said that about me?" I tucked my hair behind my ear as he nodded.

"Yeah, he's crazy about you. I can't believe he didn't make his move sooner. He was telling me all about France."

"Yeah, it was a great time."

"He also told me to give you this." He slid a silver key across the table top as I smiled faintly. "He had me pick out the apartment in his price range, since he's been so busy."

"Can you take me to it?"

"Leo wanted to see it for the first time with you, otherwise I would. It's a two bedroom apartment with a good counter in the bathroom. I thought you would like that."

I giggled softly as I held the piece of metal in between my fingers, feeling warm and mushy inside.

I pretty much stayed up all night, daydreaming about the moment that I would finally see Leo again. By the time I zonked out, I was woken up by the sound of the doorbell again, groaning before forcing myself up. This time when I opened the door, there was a familiar blonde standing there, his hair parted in the middle as he nervously licked his lips.

"Hi," I said in a softer, higher voice than usual.

"Hi," he echoed. "Did Tobey come by here yesterday?" He rubbed his nose for a moment before pressing his lips together.

"Yeah, he gave me the key to... our new apartment. I thought maybe you had forgotten all about me."

"I'm really sorry about that, Everly. Things just got really hectic, and I knew if I called you I would never be able to shut up. I didn't want you to have a super high phone bill."

"Yeah, that's probably what would have happened. When's your next movie?"

"Always asking me the same questions," he subtly teased, causing me to smile a little. "It's in a few months."

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