Chapter 14: Those Ocean Eyes

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Originally Published: May 17, 2022

I smiled at Leo as we sat by side, getting our hair done. Since he needed to get his own blonde roots touched up, I went ahead and had mine done too.

"So, what scene do you have today," I wondered.

"Uh... The one where I stand naked on top of a building," he murmured.

I felt a blush creeping up my neck as I laughed a little bit from tension. "So, you won't want me there today, right?"

"At least not when we're filming. Do you care waiting at the hotel for me?"

"No, that's okay. I might catch up on sleep, since we had to get up pretty early." I stifled a yawn as he chuckled lowly.

"You're lucky. I have a long day ahead of me." He was moved over to have the hair dye washed out, me being ushered over there shortly after. We were side by side at the sinks as we relaxed and let the hair stylist rinse our strands with warm water. My neck hurt a tiny bit from the plastic spot for my neck, but thankfully it didn't last long. Afterwards they blow dried our hair, them making sure to fix Leo's first, since he was needed for the movie. I waved to him as they trimmed my locks a little, feeling sad we were already separated. It was nice napping all day at the hotel though, me snuggling up to my cold pillow. I wasn't sure how long I was out, but I felt a gentle hand shaking my shoulder.

"Huh...," I whined, squinting my eyes open to find a smiling Leo.

"Hey, Everly. I just got back from filming."

"You look cute," I mumbled without thinking.

He laughed a tiny bit, his face seeming rosy as he sat on the edge of the bed where I was. "Have you been asleep long?"

"I have no idea. I fell asleep after we had our hair done. Well, I watched some t.v. first, but it was all in French, so I turned it off."

"You've been asleep for hours... You up to going somewhere?"

"Yeah, do you need to shower first?"

"Not this time. I just need to put some cologne on and change my shoes."

"Okay... I'll just wear what I have on and find my sneakers." I reluctantly sat up as my brain felt fogged.

Leo found my hand the moment we were both ready, leading me outdoors to the curb.

"Why are we stopping here," I wondered, seeing a white motor scooter in front of us.

"I thought you might like a ride. I rented it for while we're here."

"Is it safe," I hesitantly asked.

"Everly, I wouldn't take you on it if I didn't think it was. Here, I got us helmets too." He handed me a dark blue one, me smiling softly as I attached it on my head, him putting on the red one. He sat down first before making sure I was safely behind him, my arms instantly locking around his middle. "You ready," he checked.

"Yeah, just nervous," I confessed, him starting the engine before carefully pulling onto the street. I rested my mouth against his back as I tried to block out the cold wind, him doing an effortless turn as I took in all of the gorgeous sights. When we stopped I was staring upwards in awe at the Eiffel Tower.

"You doing okay," he asked as we stepped onto the sidewalk after removing our helmets.

"Yeah, it's just... I never thought I would actually be here in person."

"I hope you're hungry. I reserved a place at the restaurant on the first floor."

"Are you kidding? I'm starving! And that sounds so nice. Isn't it too expensive?"

Oxygen || Leonardo DiCarpioحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن