Chapter 4: Just as Talkative as Ever

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Originally Published: May 7, 2022

It wasn't long before I was doing my role in Growing Pains with Leo, us acting silly after the live taping. Leo was laughing, his voice almost cracking as we ran around the set, playfully touching each other's arms whenever we bumped into each other.

"Hey, Leo, I just wanted to let you know we've figured out how we're going to write your character out of the show. It's the last season anyway, so as soon as we do this, then you can leave to film your new movie," one of the guys in charge randomly informed him.

"You got a role in a movie," I slowly asked, tilting my head as Leo caught his breath. His face was scrunched up a bit as he exhaled a little loudly, looking over at me. "Is it the one you mentioned with Robert DeNiro a few months back?"

He swallowed hard as he nodded before breathing a bit softer.

"Why didn't you tell me you got the part, or that the head of Growing Pains approved of you leaving," I wondered.

"Everly... I think we should sit down."

I felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach as we just got comfortable on the famous couch on set. "You said we would be goofing off together if you got the movie, that we would be..."

He looked over at me with the saddest look in his blue eyes, almost as though he was about to cry. "I thought we could, but it's being filmed in Washington, and you have school."

"Why so far away," I frowned. Even though California was fairly close, I knew it could take a multiple hour drive.

"Because it's based on a true story, and Tobias Wolff grew up in Concrete, Washington. I was lucky the cast here was so supportive. I think they were what really convinced the guys in charge of Growing Pains to let me go."

"How long will you be gone," I whispered, looking down at my hands, so he wouldn't see me cry.

"Probably a few months at least."

My chest became tighter as my lower lip trembled, the tears threatening to spill.

"Please don't cry, Everly. I'm having trouble keeping it together too. I love spending time with you. I don't want to say goodbye either."

"It's a big opportunity for you. I understand how much this movie means to you. I'll be okay," I lied.

I felt him wrap his arms around me in a warm hug, soothingly rubbing my back as I clutched onto his navy blue hoodie with thin stripes. "I'll call you whenever I get the chance, and I'll be back before you know it."

I sniffled before nodding my head, letting go of him, but almost laughing when he pulled me in again.

"You looked like you were about to cry again," he defended, resting the front of his mouth against my shoulder, but I felt a few wet tears stain my own shirt.

"Hey, you take a lot of pictures for me, okay? It has a new set of Polaroids in it," I shared, handing him my camera.

"I can't take this. You use it all the time, and it was a birthday present from your parents." He looked at me as he tilted his head, his ocean eyes still a bit misty.

"I only use it so much because you're around. It's fun taking pictures together. Here, we can take one of the last day we're together, and then when you get back we can take a new one."

"I probably won't change that much."

"Maybe you'll grow taller," I teased, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Yeah, I wish. I've been 5 feet 5 inches for ages. I think I'm just going to stay extra short."

"Hey, I'm 5 feet 2 inches, so you're still taller than me."

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