max, billy, and the sinclairs

Start from the beginning

Ginny's chest felt heavy upon seeing his expression, and she sighed. "You got me, Harrington. And I'm a handful, so you don't need 'em."

Ginny slid into the seat next to him, starting to work on their lab assignment.

Steve's eyes followed her as she moved. He smiled.

。・:*:・゚★ 。・:*:・゚

GINNY HUFFED as she pushed through the doors of the high school to the parking lot. The middle school got out a few minutes earlier than they did, so a few kids were zipping around already. Ginny hated waiting on her brother, but her mom wouldn't let her use the family car if she didn't.

She stood by her car, sighing as she waited. "Come on, Lucas... I've got stuff to do..."

Billy Hargrove sadled up to his own car, parked in the spot next to hers. She looked him up and down, until they made eye contact and she looked away.

Ginny didn't necessarily have a problem with Billy, other than he was an asshole. He most likely slept with her best friend last night, and Iris seemed to enjoy her time with him... Maybe I should be nice.

"Nice car, Hargrove," she called, looking up to see him still staring.

Billy snorted and lit a cigarette. "You'd think so, wouldn't you?"

Ginny tensed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He looked at the old van she stood beside and raised an eyebrow.

"I can't afford a nice car, but I know one when I see it, asshole..." She grumbled, crossing her arms and looking away.

Billy just hummed and looked away, just as a pretty redhead walked up. "Hey, baby," he smiled, throwing an arm around Iris.

Ginny looked on in disgust, as he swept her best friend into a kiss, which turned into a makeout session on the hood of his car.

She gagged and looked away, just in time to see Lucas and an orange headed girl arguing a few yards away. She groaned. "Finally... Lucas! Let's go!"

He barely glanced her way, as the redhead talked angrily to him. Ginny frowned. Lucas might be a little shit sometimes, but he was her little shit. Who was this girl?

Ginny made her way over, tuning into their conversation.

"But what?" insisted the girl, clutching onto her skateboard.

Lucas sighed. "There... there are just things. Things we can't tell you... for your own safety."

The girl scoffed. "My own safety?"


"Because I'm a girl?" She raised an eyebrow.

Lucas sputtered, just as Ginny reached him. "W-what? No!"

"Did you keep secrets from El?" asked the young girl.

"Who's El?" asked Ginny, poppin into the conversation.

Lucas ignored her, staring at the redhead. "How... how do you know about El?"

The girl was persistent, and pissed off. "Did you?"

"That was different, trust me, okay?" Lucas covered. "That was just different."

The redhead scoffed again. "Okay, you know what? Forget it, okay?" She shook her head and spat, "I don't wanna be in your stupid party anyway, I'm out."

Ginny looked at Lucas, as the redhead stomped away. "Who's that? And who's El?"

Lucas glared at her and looked back at the girl, throwing his arms up. "Max!"

"You still stink, by the way!"

Ginny wrinkled her nose at her little brother. "Ugh, she's right..."

Lucas sniffed his sleeve and threw his hands up again. "Ah, shit!"

Chuckling lightly, Ginny watched as the redhead, Max, made her way through the parking lot on her skateboard. She swallowed thickly when she saw her heading to Billy's car— the girl yelling at her brother was Billy's sister?

Ginny didn't take her eyes off of him, as he stared at her and her brother with a look she knew very well. Iris had disappeared.

"Lucas..." she mumbled, staring at Billy. "What did you do to that girl?"

He grumbled. "Nothing, Ginny... Stay out of it..."

Ginny sees Billy and Max slide into his car, and she sees his lips move, but she doesn't need to hear him to know what he said to Max.

Something probably along the lines of don't talk to people like that.

Virginia Sinclair might hate waiting on her little brother after school, but she would care for him to the ends of the earth.

And she's seen that look in Billy's eyes before; she knows it well.

She always hoped she could protect her brother and her sister from looks like that, hoped they would never have to see it directed at them, like she always had, like their parents always had...

But that just wasn't their reality.

She took Lucas by his shoulders, watching Billy's car pull from the lot. "Just... give her some space. Maybe she'll come around..."


no steve this chapter but shrug 

im just gonna hurry and publish what I already have written lol that's why i'm updating so much


fuck s2 billy me and my homies hate s2 billy (but we feel kinda bad for him in season 3)

I mean, there have been debates on whether billy was racist or not... but I can think of no other reason for him to tell max what he told max other than he's racist ? like he established he did not care about her at this point, so why else would he care if she hung out with lucas ? 

dacre says he doesn't think he is but it was the 80s.... I think its reasonable to assume he was 

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