Chapter 8

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"Oh? Have you been waiting for me?"
Anastacius, who introduced himself as Anastasio looked at Archon in amusement.

He was pretty surprised to see the boy sitting on the bed, awake and active with no signs of fatigue at all.

Archon gave no response, only staring at Anastacius as if he was analyzing his soul, which bothered the man for something he knew well.

"You... you're that man earlier, were you not?"

Anastacius froze, eyes widening in shock.
How did he know? He was so sure that he hid his presence and perfect the disguise.

"Haha, what man?" Anastacius asked innocently, putting up a smile on his face.

But Archon didn't buy his bullshit. He frowned deeply when his eyes caught his body stiffing, and his eyes widening.

This man dared to harm his mother.

Archon stood up from the bed and slowly walked towards Anastacius who felt a sweat forming on his forehead.

Archon stopped right in front of Anastacius and looked up to meet his face.

He stared right into Anastacius's soul, the spark in his eyes turning dim, scaring the shit out of Anastacius as he remembered experiencing the same wrath from Vianna.


Before Anastacius could even react, a strong punch was delivered to him by Archon.

His punch was so strong that Anastacius had doubts if he was actually a kid or not. But then again, he's Vianna's child so maybe he got it from his mom.

"That was rude" Anastacius chuckled, smoothly wiping the blood coming from his nose, before standing up.

But before he could even stand up properly, Archon pushed his face down in one hand,
"Who said you can stand up."

There it was again, that side Archon had that only a few knew about was starting to come out. Is this perhaps the real Archon? The original owner of the body Instead of Y/n?

Could be both having an alliance.

"Don't you dare boss me around" Anastacius bitterly spat out, slapping Y/n's hand away from him, and kicking Y/n where his legs were injured.
"It'll take you 100 years to beat me, you brat!"

Y/n stared at 'Anastasio', dumbfounded by the sudden change of attitude. It was like some completely different soul took over Anastacius's body.

"What the–"


"ARCHON!" Atlanta's Emperor slammed the door open after detecting unfamiliar magic in his Grandson's room.

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