Don't tell a soul

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Y/N p.o.v

   You had fallen asleep at your desk, snoring while clutching onto the pen you used to draw him..or her..? You couldn't quite tell, you didn't have any sort of a clue of what they were, only that it was alive and had given you a gift..for what purpose?

   Soon you had woken up by the sound of knocking, sitting up slowly while fixing your hair enough to look decent for whomever walks inside. "Aye! Come in!" You called, sitting patiently for someone to walk in. In came one of the crewmates, looking at you with wonder "Captain, there's still no sign of a mermaid.." he said, looking at you with a tired look in his eyes. You stood up slowly "We'll head back to land..tell the rest.." you were still tired from the event and lack sleep. It had almost taken control over your body to sleep right then and there in front of your own crew mate. Luckily they left after noticing how tired you've become from waiting for a chance to see the mermaid.
   The only difference between everyone's thoughts and yours was who knew exactly what it looked like. They all had assumed nobody saw the mermaid, was it best to tell them? You decided that it would be best, otherwise you would be lying to them that you hadn't seen even a trace of the beast. You slowly went out of your room, "Aye! Crew! I have.." you paused, hearing the mutters they were trying to hide from you. Some had stated it would be best to eat the mermaid and gain the powers it possibly had. While others thought to sell the creature by parts rather than whole. You couldn't let that happen, you've come this far on seeing it and once you finally have been able to, you're going to let it be simply eaten or diced like an average fridge.
   You had to think fast on what to change the main point of your topic " 'tis of what I was saying...once we make our way to land, I cannot wait to share a toast with my closest mates!" You had to improvise with what you were saying. However you had repeated yourself from a few days back, you hoped they didn't recall those same words.
   They cheered before walking down the staircase to sleep. It was obvious they were tired, which didn't help that the sky had already turned into a star filled night. You had always adored the night sky at sea, it wasn't covered by any lights. It was just you, and the stars from how it felt.

   The few months passed quickly, mostly due to you sleeping it off to gain the full strength you once had before those sleepless nights of watching for the mermaid. Once on land you and your crew took the treasure to the closest tavern, paying for as many drinks as you could handle. Time flew past once you were drunk, the last thing you could recall was walking to the sea, the exact spot you had seen the one thing that's been in your mind.
Maybe it didn't need a song, just its glorious scales in the sunset. You wondered if it was that beautiful in the sunset, what would it look like under the starry night? That's all you can remember before blacking out.

   You woke up to a splitting headache from the alcohol. The headache wasn't known, but the place definitely was, you stood slowly, staring at the sand around you...were you back at that island? Looking around it was a definite yes, though it was odd how you had gotten here, you weren't wet, but there was no ship around. Looking around you spotted it, the mermaid staring at you in the water. Slowly, your steps went closer and closer to them, the creature didn't move, only watching silent as a mouse on board.
   The palm of your hand was now just a few feet away from it. They stared at your hand, before slowly bringing its own out of the water. Your hands touched for the first time in the years of wishing to see it, to feel the scales its tail carries.
   But a hand touch was better than anything you could ask for, that's when it hit've never even told it your name. Clearing your throat, you tried speaking, but nothing was coming out..were you nervous? No, you couldn't be, this has to be some kind of spell the mermaid had on you. Before a single pep was allowed to be spoken by you, they began to least it looked as though it was. Only bubbles and splashing from the tail. "Ah...I don't understand you.." you knelt down, moving your hand away from his palm.
   You had not realized how large they were in comparison to you, it was as though it wasn't part human at all. If the others knew about them, they would change the idea about selling and begin feasting upon it as though they were just another fish in the sea.

   No matter couldn't let anyone find out about them. Even if it meant sending yourself to Davy Jones himself.

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