First meeting

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                          Y/N p.o.v

   There you were, walking across the sandy beach while skipping any small stones you found on the shore. It was nice to be living your dream of being at the sea yes, but was that all your life will consist of? 
   That's all that had gone across your mind until you heard the sound of splashing by the sea. Once you turned toward the ocean, you saw it. A large orange and white tail came out before entering where the rest of the body was. It struck you in interest and wonder, as though your mind took control over your movements, you slowly stepped into the water. The more you had entered, the coldness of the water surrounded your body. 

   Yes you have been practically living on the sea your whole life, but the cold of the water always snapped you out of things...So why wasn't it now? The idea came through your mind before seeing that Golden color yet again, its glistening scales showing a reflection of the sun setting behind it. 
   You fully emerged in the water before a familiar voice called out to you, snapping you out of the trance the tail had on your mind.
   "Y/n! Ya scallywag, what are ya doing in the sea?" It was your captain, you quickly turned to them before looking where the tail had appeared for the second time...there was no sign of it anymore. You finally mustered up words after the cold water surrounding your clothes and body finally hit your lungs "Just swimming captain!.." You didn't want to admit to them that you had seen a fish and was about to chase it down due to its coloration of scales.
   The captain just sighed before shaking their head as you had gotten back onto the shore, your clothes now soaking wet and dripping of water. "If ya goin out for a swim, wear a more suitable outfit.." They motioned to your clothes before taking off their own jacket, throwing it over your shoulders.
   Their kindness always seemed to fill the aura they had, it was a wonder how they gained captain so quickly without anyone pointing to their tenderness being a weakness when on the seven seas ''thank you captain, i'll bring it back.." you say, shivering. 

   They simply nodded before speaking once more "Go to ya room and change, tis' an order" they state before walking away, heading to their own quarters to what you assume, rest. You turned around and began walking towards the town square, deciding to stay in an inn that was next to the tavern you enjoyed going to after a few months on sea.

   Once entered, the lady behind the desk greeted and let you pass to enter your room that was upstairs. You soon changed into some cozy clothes and laid in bed. The tail filled your mind, it was 'til now that you had realized how large it was.
   'Was it a mermaid?' You pondered, shaking your head in dismissal, you've heard and read the stories sure, but that can't mean they're real...right?

   That's all you could think of before drifting to slumber...

[536 words!]

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