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As stated from the Description, you are a captain on a ship, not the most well known person, but word goes around of your adventures.

---Story plot---

In this story You'll be dating Sun and Moon, which Sun is more based off of a clownfish than your average merman. While for Moon is based on a shark mermaid

The beginning will start with the very first time that you had seen him, that being when you were just a first mate on the Wonder ship.

~Vocabulary ~
Ahoy – A greeting or  a way to get someone’s attention.
Arrr, Arrgh, Yarr, Gar – To emphasize a point.
Avast –  Pay attention.
Aye – “Yes”
Aye aye – Confirmation that an order is understood.
Blimey - An expression of disbelief or disappointment.
Booty – The treasures and other valuables.
Davy Jones’s Locker – How theu reference burials at sea.
Dead men tell no tales –  synonym for "Snitches get stitches"
Heave - Coming to a halt or stop.
‘ll Crush Ye Barnacles – A common threat.
Matey – A pirate’s friend.
Parley - A conference of opposing sides to come a truce or agreement.
Prize – A ship captured by pirates.
Run A Shot Across The Bow - Fire a warning shot.
Savvy – “Do you understand?”
Scupper That - Throw that overboard!
Shiver me timbers –  An expression of surprise.
Walk the plank - Punishment for captives and prisoners who were forced to jump off the ship with hands tied behind their backs.
Weigh anchor – Get a move on, or let’s go.
Yo-ho-ho– Excitement or having a good time.

Now without a furtherado, To the story!

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