From Comfort to fear

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Y/N p.o.v

   You sat there, calmly eating the warm food that the keeper of the inn had brought you. They were sweet enough to give you a beverage for free, being able to tell the clear signs of pain you've been dealing with.
   It was nice... the sounds of the waves of the shore, a warm cup of tea to help with the soreness, a comfortable bed, and the sweet sweet sound of calmness. It felt like life was still, only the points of time passing was when you were moving. You took a bite of the bread, it was soft, mixing well with the sausage slices they had given you on the plate. Looking at the pear, you slowly sank your teeth in, before devouring the entire thing once the hunger kicked in, eating everything as quickly as your jaw could allow.
   As time had passed, everything was eaten, the wooden plate was now beside your bed as you laid there, feeling comfortable for the first time in what's been told; weeks. You knew however, you needed to get up, to work... After a few minutes, you stood, less pain filling you, it being replaced with the food. You lifted the plate and began walking downstairs to the owner of the inn, you gave it to them with a small bow of appreciation "thank you..the food was fantastic.." The innkeeper simply nodded before walking through a door, disappearing from sight.

   You turned away, walking out the doors while looking at the sky. You patted yourself, ready to walk to a bench and sketch your thoughts out..but, nothing. You continued to look through your pockets before it had hit you. The ship. Looking at the wharf, you saw the ship's sails. Your legs moved on their own, sprinting towards it as though your life had depended on it, which it didn't depend on yours, but the mermaids you had become friends with.
   If anyone saw the drawings, they could be searching for the mermaids and try selling them, or worse. You slid some when making turns, moving so fast that the sole of your boots weren't able to grip onto the wooden grounding. Rushing into the inside of the ship, you made your way to the captain's quarters, the book was no longer on the desk.

   Your heart skipped a beat, holding your chest you looked out, going to one of the guards who worked on guarding the ships "you! Who was the last one on my bloody ship?" You ask, the voice you had escaped from their vocal cords were filled with concern and worry. The guard stood there, thinking before pointing towards the town "a man, stubby with an odd accent, they had some weird journal in their hands.." they looked at you, moving closer to get a better look of who you were "you must be Y/n, correct? They said something about looking for you..wanting to ask just what was inside that book" They shrugged, walking away while speaking "but you can find him im sure...probably"
   It was confiscated...the one thing you hoped to keep hidden in case someone tried searching for it... dammit. You rushed towards the town with the nagging of your brain blurring what you were told about the man. "Stubby, weird accent.." you realize just how vague it was...not even a hair color or what he was wearing. Was the guard guessing or something?.

   That didn't matter. What did is now that you're inside of the town, in search of someone you've never met. You could tell it was going to be fun running around...then with more thought, it made you pause with the steps that led you astray from your ship. "That guy's looking for me.." with quick turns of your head, there was a bench. You slowly made your way towards it, and calmly sat down..

   And now you have to wait and hope they will find this bench in the middle of town. This made you glad that there's a few days before your own crew allowed you to be back in the seas. Even if it was everyone's passion, they'd prefer to have a captain still alive than one whos dead by their own sanity.
Which you can respect, a completely crazy captain can cause the entire ship to pay a trip to Davy Jones's Locker, so a break is nice for a person's mind..

   But this? It's not giving you a break, if anything it's causing you to slowly lose your mind. You just hope that the person finds you soon...

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