A dead bird, A detective, and a villain (MHA AU)

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I obviously do not own any characters. They all belong to Kohei Horikoshi. The song I listen to the most while writing will be shown above the chapter BTW, they have nothing to do with the story.

Hawks had just been killed. Killed by Tomura Shigaraki. Shigaraki had found out that one of his members was dating hawks, and you can guess how that went...

Dabi had lost all hope of ever being cared for at this point. When he got his quirk, he thought his father would praise him. But that just brought endless abuse. When his little brother was born with the perfect quirk, he wished he would be daddies boy again, so little Shoto wouldn't get hurt. He was 14 at the time. And then 2 years later, he found a man who would take him in. Shigaraki. He would take him in, as long as he would do anything he asked. Shigaraki asked him to murder, so he just relocated the families the league was after. Then he found the love of his life, Hawks. Once Shigaraki found out, he kicked Dabi out, after he killed Hawks. Dabi's one hope and family disappeared. He didn't see a purpose to live his life anymore, so he turned himself in. Dabi was 16 at the time. He had only been with the league for ½ a year.

The 16 year old walked into the police station forlornly. Guns were pointed at him, and he was threatened. But the detective walked in, "Put the guns down!" He ordered, "We could get information from this guy!" So he took Dabi by the arms, put him in handcuffs, and took him into the interrogation room.

"Let's start, I'm going to ask questions, and you are going to answer truthfully. I have a lie detector quirk, so lying won't even be effective." Dabi nodded with dull eyes, he was going to tell the truth. He didn't care what would happen.

"First question. What's your real name?"

"Toya Todoroki."

"How old are you?"


The detective looked surprised. One of the most wanted villains in Japan, was 16. Not to mention the son of Endeavor. He couldn't sense any lie. So what drove this child to villainy?

"What drove you to villainy?"

"Father was abusive, and neglectful. SO I went insane. Shigaraki took me in. Promising me the family I never had."

"Why did you turn yourself in?"

"Shigaraki killed Hawks and kicked me out, so now I have nothing else to live for."

Poor kid thinks he doesn't have a chance at being loved... Tsukauchi thought. I mean, I can't even arrest him, he's a minor. Finally he asked the question.

"How many people have you killed?"


"Who was that?"


Much to Tsukauchi's surprise, Dabi burst into tears. And he lied. For both questions. Poor kid... The detective thought.

"How did you kill him?"

"I let it slip to Shigaraki that I was dating Hawks... He killed him... It's my fault... My fault..."

"Kid, you didn't kill him. You're just blaming yourself. How many people have you really killed?"

"I haven't killed anybody, then. I just saved the people I was told to kill. I relocated them and their families to save them from the league. I'm innocent. I can't go to jail... Please don't"

"I'm not going to kid."

Tsukauchi looked at the kid sadly. He was crying uncontrollably, his hand in the position of someone giving a prayer. The kid- no Toya, fell asleep. The chief detective wondered what to do. When he finally got an idea, he would call Aizawa, he was good with kids.

Shota Aizawa was a happy man. He was a teacher, had a husband, a son named Hitoshi and a daughter named Eri. He couldn't be happier. But he wanted a more responsible kid to take care of the others while he was away. So when he got a call from Detective Tsukauchi about hopefully helping a kid that had never experienced real love, he accepted the offer immediately.

So he told his husband, Present Mic, that he was going to go pick up a kid, and drove to the police station. He ran to the counter and asked to see Detective Tsukauchi. The detective came and lead him to the room. What Eraserhead wasn't expecting was to see a passed out Dabi on a sofa in Tsukauchi's office.

He looked to Tsukauchi with a questioning look, searching for an answer. Tsukauchi just passed him his notepad that he used for the interrogation.


Alias: Dabi

Name: Toya Todoroki

Age: 16

Quirk: Cremation

Kill Count: 0

Crimes: Bank robbery, Vigilantism

Mental issues: Depression, PTSD, insomnia

Reasons for Villainy: Abusive father, short term insanity, thinking he had no other choice

Family members

Enji Todoroki (Endeavor)

Age: 45 years old

Relationship: Father

Quirk: Hellflame

Any other details: Was physically abusive and neglectful

Rei Todoroki

Age: 43 years old

Relationship: Mother

Quirk: Ice Generation

Any other details: was put in a mental hospital

Natsuo Todoroki

Age: 18 years old

Relationship: Older brother

Quirk: Ice Generation

Any other details: Lives in an apartment with Fuyumi

Fuyumi Todoroki

Age: 18 years old

Relationship: Older sister

Quirk: Ice Generation

Any other details: Lives in an apartment with Natsuo

Shoto Todoroki

Age: 8 years old

Relationship: Younger brother

Quirk: Half Cold-Half Hot

Any other details: Said to currently endure Endeavors abuse, unable to live with other siblings

Aizawa gasped. Dabi was never a real villain... And he was never able to love anyone, well except the siblings. He had decided right there right then that he would KILL that flaming trash can, and save the little brother. He also decided that he would give Dabi as much love as he could get. He read through the rest of the notes, the entire interrogation.

He hugged the sleeping Touya. And told Tsukauchi, "I'm adopting him." Tsukauchi just smiled and nodded. "I'm also saving his Shoto and putting Endeavor in jail."

So, It shouldn't be a surprise when Dabi's innocence was shown on the news. Along with the fact that the former No. 2 hero was arrested.

Dabi and Shoto were then adopted into the Aizawa-Yamada family.

Dabi finally found love. Shoto finally got a family.

And needless to say, the Todoroki family had a happily ever after.

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