"Well, well there she is." The corner of his mouth turned up. "The fun Granger is back."

I stood next to him, in front of the door. I wanted to just chant "Pureblood" and ignore him and walk away, but I knew I couldn't. I turned to him. "And what about me, exactly, makes me the 'fun' one?" 

"It's fun to make fun of you of course." He chuckled to himself. How immature. 

I smile sarcastically. It wasn't funny at all. I pick up some footsteps headed in our direction, interrupting our lovely conversation. Around the corner comes Pansy, frolicking on her way to come bother Draco. 

I notice Draco roll his eyes when he noticed her. I thought I could hear him huff a little too. That's when I had the best idea I had had all year. Or maybe it could be the dumbest idea yet.

"Draco. Why don't you and I go to the Yule Ball... together?" I struggled to get that last word out. 

He just looked at me. "What?" Don't worry Draco, I was a little confused, too. 

"C'mon. It'll keep you from having to go with Pansy," I nod in her direction as she's almost upon us, "and of course you can make fun of me all you want there." 

He contemplated for a moment and then had the look on his face as if he were about to say 'HELL no.'

"Yeah, okay." He shrugged it off. 

"Really?" I think I was just as surprised at his answer as he was to my question.

"Yeah. That's a good plan." He turned as Pansy had just arrived and opened the door to the common room, scowling at us a bit. He began inside, and turned to me, "Thanks." He continued to his dorm. 

I stood outside a moment more to let them ahead of me. What just happened? Am I crazy? Going to a DANCE with Draco Malfoy? Could this be the end of me? Or could this be the best thing for me? For Draco, I mean. Oh no, what would Hermione think of me? Shit, I didn't think about her seeing me with him. Fuck. 


Knock... Knock... I heard a tapping at my window. I look over at Iris who was fast asleep in her bed. I look over at the window, which to no surprise was hard to see out of because it was the middle of the night. "Lumos." My wand lights up, allowing me to make my way over to the window. I find an owl, knocking his beak against my window to wake me up.

"Here little fella." I whisper as I lift up the glass, allowing him inside. In his claw, he was clutching a letter. Whose owl was this? I grasped the letter from his talons and opened it. 

Meet me at the Astronomy tower. Now.

That's all it says? I look back at the owl in front of me. He was actually HUGE. Was this Draco's owl by chance? There's only one way to find out. 

I quickly change into my sweatpants and a hoodie, trying not to wake my roommate up. She would turn into a living demon if I woke her up in the middle of the night. 

I swiftly make my way to the Astronomy tower as instructed. I was there in what felt like no time. I'm glad there was no one roaming the halls on the way to put me back to my dorm. 

"Yes?" I make myself known when I see that head of silver hair on the body of Draco Malfoy, in the same position he was in last time I came up here. 

"There she is." He stated, now showing me his side profile. "The fun Granger."

"Why did you want to see me?"

He turned around now to face me. To gaze at me. And to be honest, I can admit that I was in awe of what I saw before me. His strong stature in front of me. I could see his chiseled jaw from where I stood, and the moon shining behind him made the rings on his fingers gleam at me. Without a word, he made his way closer to me. I looked up into his blue eyes. He looked down into mine. 

Within moments, his hands were tracing the skin on my wrists and making their way up my arms. I could feel his grip on my back, pulling me closer. Now I could smell him. How did he always smell so good? 

I rest my hands around his neck, as if we were slow dancing. Draco's hands, his cold yet soothing hands, made their way around to my neck and up to my face, not lifting a finger. He pushed a few strands of hair out of my face, and cupped my jawline. He held my face in his palms as if I were the most precious thing he could ever touch. A chill went down my spine, and I relaxed into his arms, allowing my head and body forward. 

Our lips pecked each other, and he slowly pulled away just enough to where our noses were touching. His eyes were normally so cold and spiteful, but in this very moment I saw a different Draco than the one I grew up with. I saw contentment in his eyes. 

He pulled me into him once more. He kissed me slowly and passionately. His fingers steadily made their way through my hair. A breathy moan escaped from my lips, which seemed to make him kiss me even more intensely. 

My fingers ran up into his messy silver hair, and I gripped it hard in my palm. I heard a light moan on his breath. Merlin, how is he this sexy?

He pulled away, out of breath, just enough to get a good look at me and smile. 

"My father can't hear about this." He advanced forward to my lips once more.

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