Chapter 8

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"Did Ryan do this to you?" Celeste let out as she reached for her phone in her pocket.

"He didn't mean to, I was pushing him about opening up more and he got angry, it's my fault I should have known to stop and he was drinking" Octavia let out in a muffled sobbing tone caused by her swollen lips.

"We need to get you to the hospital" Celeste said as she open her phone.

"NO! I can't go to the hospital there going to send the cops" Octavia protested, Celeste looked up from her phone.

"I'm a FBI Agent Octavia" Celeste, both of them looked at each other in silence for a moment. Octavia broke as she gave a nod to her best friend, who quickly dial 911 on her phone.

The ambulance doors open once they got to the hospital, Octavia was taken out on the gurney first as Celeste got out behind her. Celeste had call in a favor to one of her friend that works with a doctor that specialize in this tipe of situation, so when they got there they were brought into a private room. Celeste helpped her best friend change into a hospital gown, while they were doing this Celeste noticed that Octavia had mutiple bruises on her chest and stomach some were old and some were very fresh. Both of them not saying a word threw the whole process. Octavia was sitting in the bed and letting out little sobs as Celeste was standing at the end of the bed and bitting the side of her nails. There was a gentle knock at the door before it slowly open. A tall brunnette walked in wearing dark blue scrubs and a white doctors coat. she looked at the two ladies that were looking at her.

"hi, I'm doctor Leslie, I'll be taking care of you" she said as she slowly closed the door. then turned and walked over to the bed, Celeste crossed her arms over her chest as she watched.

"Alright Octavia, I want you to know that you are safe here, were going to take really good care of you, I only have three other nurses and myself that are aloud to come in this room all female" the brunette said with the softest tone to her voice.

"Is it okay if I take a look?" she then asked. Octavia looked up at Celeste who gave her a little nod, the red head looked at the doctor and gave her a little nod. Celeste watched as the doctor took the gown off and started her examination, Once she was done she regown the red head and took the tablet.

"Alright Octavia, were going to start with a ultrasound, I want to check to make sure there's no internal bleeding. and the police will want a rape kit...."

"Not necessary, we know who did this" Celeste let out, the doctor gave her a nod.

"Alright, while Octavia gets her test done your welcome to stay here, someone will be in to bring you to your ultrasound in a couple of minutes" she said as she looked at both girls and made her way out of the room. Celeste looked at Octavia who wasn't looking at her best friend but down at her hands that were in her lap. moment later a short blonde walked in with a little smile on her face.

"Alright Octavia, are you ready?" she asked. the red head nodded to her, Celeste moved out of the way as she unlocked the bed and started pushing it towards the door.

"I'll be here when you get back" Celeste let out as she quickly reached for her best friends hand and gently gave a squeeze before letting go and watched Octavia being rolled out.

Celeste stood in the empty room alone for a few moments until she let out a sob as she turned around so no one in the hall would see her. she then walked to the windows and looked out as she tried to calm herslef down. she could believe this was happening the bad memories were filling her mind, one year ago she was in this same situation, but it wasn't time to be scared she had to be there for her best friend.

Half hour went by Celeste had move to a chair that was in the corner of the room. she was looking at her phone her finger hovering over her boss's name. she knew that she couldn't go to work for the next few days. Octavia needed her more than the team needs her right now, Celeste open the text.

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