Chapter 6

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End of the week rolled around the team was in the jet heading back to Virginia, the trail for the UNSUB went cold and no other victim showed up. In the jet Reid was playing cards with Morgan, jj and Hotch. Rossi was sitting on the couch and reading, Prentiss was sleeping on the other end of the couch. Celeste was sitting by herself at the other end of the jet and looking at the case file, she felt bad that they couldn't solve the case thinking about the parents that lost their child to this monster broke her heart. She closed the file in frustration as she sat back in the seat and looked out of the window until sleep took over.

"Celeste" a voice woke her up, her eyes flutter open as she looked around. Dave was sitting in the seat in front of her, the rest of the jet was empty.

"Are you okay?" he asked, Celeste nodded as she got her stuff together and got up.

"you know you can talk to me" Dave said as he fallowed her towards the exit, Celeste let out a deep breath.

"this case was weird... This whole week was weird" she said as they walked out of the jet and onto the tarmac.

"Is that all?" Dave asked. Celeste stopped and turned around and looked at the old man, who looked at her with raised eyebrows as he waited for her to say something, Celeste squinted her eyes at him.

"You know I know everything, right?" he said, Celeste shook her head as she turned around and walked to her SUV.

"see you tomorrow!" Dave said, Celeste gave him a wave as she got in her vehicle she started the SUV and started driving. she deciced to go to headquarters, because she knew that he would be there. she parked her SUV in her usual place. taking her phone and texted her twin sister telling her she was back. Celeste made her way in the building and to the familiar sixth floor. when the doors open she was met with the colourful Penelope.

"Hey Cupcake! what are you doing here?" she let out as celeste walked out of the elevator.

"Just picking up a few things" Celeste let out. Garcia gave her a smile as Celeste waved to her as she made her way to the bullpen, the place was empty since it was late at night. Celeste eyes went straight to her boss's office where she could see he was sitting at his desk. Celeste shook her head with a little smile to herself as she made her way up the stairs, the door was open and she just stood there for a moment watching him. this man was making her feel things that she never thought she would feel again, and there was a million of reason why this was wrong. Celeste gently knocked on the door frame, Aaron looked up.

"what are you doing here?" he asked looking back down at the files.

"I would ask you the same question, but we both know the answer" she said as she walked in and saw a smile apeare on his face.

"Trying to finish the reports so I don't have to do them on the weekend" he let out, Celeste sat on the edge of the chair and grabbed a pen and a file.

"let me help you, the faster we finish the faster you get home to Jack" he looked at her as she open the file as strated going threw it, he smiled and got back to his files. there were quiet for a while. Celeste looked up at Aaron and who was writing, she was studying him carefully.

"Yesss?" he let out without looking at her.

"I need to know" she watched as Aaron stopped writing and put the pen down, he looked at her and she looked at him. Celeste watched as Aaron swallowed hard.

"Celeste I'm sorry if I scared you, it was really unprofessional of me..." Celeste raised her hand at him to stop.

"I kissed you back, because when you kissed me it felt right, I did it because I wanted to" they looked at each other in total silence for a moment.

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