Left Out

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Pairing: Keys x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Keys, Y/N

Description: Keys, Millie and Mouser are working together on their new project: 'Free Life'. Y/N doesn't feel included in this new project so they walk away.

You watched on as Keys, Millie and Mouser huddled together around a computer to get started on the programming for the new project: Free Life. Considering you were one of the minds behind the original game you weren't really being included in this project, which really surprised you. You've lost track of the amount of times you've tried to voice some ideas at the others; every time you did, each idea was either ignored or shot down so eventually, you just gave up.

Sadness overcame you as you watched your boyfriend and two best friends laugh and joke with each other whilst working on the game that you should be included in. You turned on your heel and walked down the hallway, out of the building.

Tears streamed down your face as you let out all of the emotions you had been holding in for the past few weeks. What really hurt though, was that Keys didn't even try and defend your ideas. He threw them away, just like the other two did. It felt as though he didn't appreciate your thoughts and ideas on the project and that really frustrated you.

As soon as you seen your front door you started to cry heavier. You threw the door open and ran up the stairs to your bed and crawled under the covers which is where you stayed before falling asleep.


The front door slamming closed and a frantic voice awoke you from your sleep. "Y/N? Are you here?" You could hear Keys hurriedly looking around downstairs, things clanging on the floor as he rushed around. You were still a little groggy from sleep so you didn't have a chance to answer before he barged into your room with a relieved look on his face.

"Y/N! Why didn't you answer me? I was worried sick! You ran off without saying anything and I thought that something bad had happened to you!" Keys rushed over to you and engulfed you into a hug, which you didn't reciprocate. He leaned back with a confused look on his face. "Are you Ok?" You stared at him with an expressionless face. "What do you think?! Read my face, Keys."

The confused look stayed on his face as he tried to think of what could have angered you but came up with nothing. You shook your head in frustration before holding it in your hands. "Why am I not surprised that you don't know why I'm upset? You've hardly been on my side recently but it still hurts that you can't figure out why I'm upset."

Keys furrowed his eyebrows. "What in the hell are you talking about, Y/N?! I'm on your side for everything!" You interrupted him before he could continue. "I'm talking about the fact that you have blatantly left me out of this project. The ideas and thoughts I have given out have all been shoved back in my face and it really hurt when I didn't get any support from you over it what-so-ever! You're my boyfriend, Keys, you're supposed to help me through these things and listen to what I have to say instead of treating it like trash. It just makes me feel as if I'm not wanted there anymore."

Your voice began to crack as you finished your sentence. Letting out all of what you had wanted to say seemed to have lifted a weight off your chest. Keys immediately wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest, kissing the top of your head.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't realise which makes me one hell of a horrible boyfriend. I should have listened to your ideas more instead of just throwing them away. I promise I will make this up to you, Y/N, no matter what it takes. Any ideas you have, just throw them my way right now and I will incorporate them into the game."

Your eyes lit up with happiness and you pressed a soft and forgiving kiss to his lips before resting your forehead against his. "Thank you, Keys. That's all I wanted." You pecked his lips once more before reaching into the drawer of your bedside table and pulling out a large notebook full of your ideas and plonked it on his lap. "Where would you like to start?"

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