Oblivious, as Always

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Pairing: Keys x reader

Genre: Fluff

Characters: Keys, Y/N

Description: Y/N has decided to work with Keys to make a new model for the game. However, things take a turn when Keys places his hand on Y/Ns.

Keys and you have known each other since you both were small. You went to school together, college together and university together. You're the best of friends. However, your friendship took a detour when Keys unintentionally makes you blush.

You were working on a new model for the game. You wanted the RPG's to become more interactable when playing. You were doing fine on your own at first but as you conquered on, you . realized that you needed Keys's expertise.

"Hey, Keys." You turned around and noticed that he was playing his own game of 'Free Guy', completely in his own world. You took this chance to mess around with him a little. Slowly and quietly, you rolled over to him on your chair, bent down and lowered his chair to the lowest setting, causing him to shoot down and fall off his chair.

You doubled back in hysterics, holding your chest. Key's glared at you through his glasses as he got up from the floor. "Really, Y/N? That's the best you can do?" You wiped tears from your eyes and shook your head. "Probably not, but I need your head with this new model and you weren't listening so I took matters into my own hands."

Keys sat on his chair and rolled over towards your desk, rolling his eyes. "You could have just walked over and took my headset off, much less embarrassing for me." You swivelled yourself around to face the computer screen. "I know, but that way was much more fun."

Keys gave a small smile and shook his head before turning his attention to the computer. After you scrolling through the coding for the model for a few minutes, Keys eventually found what he needed to do. Absent-mindedly, Keys placed his hand over yours on the mouse and set to work. Your face began to blush at the new and unfamiliar contact between you and Keys.

You were uncharacteristically quiet for the next few minutes, which caused Keys to stop what he was doing to check on you. "Y/N, what's the matter? You've gone really quiet." He narrowed his eyes at you, taking in more details of your face. "Why are you blushing?" You moved your eyes towards both of your hands and looked back at him, indicating the problem. He followed your direction and widened his eyes, but didn't move his hand.

All of a sudden everything felt natural between the both of you, as if this was always supposed to happen. Keys began to slowly move his hand up your arm towards the back of your neck, always keeping eye contact with you. He slowly brought your face to his but stopped as soon as you were going to kiss. "Do you want this?"

Instead of answering, you brought his lips to yours roughly with your hand on the back of his neck. All of the strange feelings you has encountered earlier just melted away as you deepened the kiss. Your lips moved rhythmically together, as if they were made for each other.

You broke apart and smiled, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. Keys smiled widely before leaning forward and placing a hand on yours. "Who would have thought that this would happen between the two of us?" You blushed again which caused Keys to chuckle. He placed a soft kiss to the top of your forehead before turning back to the computer, always keeping his hand on yours.

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