[5] What you mean to me (2)

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Zombie and Yin had left, leaving the others to set up for their actual school day (night??). While the others were handling it decently well, Enderman was panicking. He was Zombie's best friend, and didn't want him to get hurt.

"⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⟟⎎ ⊑⟒ ☌⟒⏁⌇ ⊑⎍⍀⏁?! ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⟟⎎ ⊑⟒... ⎅⟟⟒⌇?! ⌇⊑⎍⌰⎅ ☌⍜ ⏃⎎⏁⟒⍀ ⊑⟟⋔? ☊⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⟒⏃⌇⟟⌰⊬ ☊⏃⏁☊⊑ ⎍⌿... ! ⊑⟒ ⌇⏃⟟⎅ ⊑⟒ ☊⍜⎍⌰⎅ ⊑⏃⋏⎅⌰⟒ ⟟⏁, ⏃⋏⎅ ⏁⍀⎍⌇⏁ ⊑⟟⋔."
(What if he gets hurt?! What if he... dies?! Should i go after him? I could easily catch up... No! He said he could handle it, and I trust him.)

"It's nice that you care, but can you please stop screaming in your language? It's just about pushing Creeper to his exploding point, I kid you not."

Wither answered calmly, pulling Creeper into a hug as Enderman stopped his otherworldly shrieking.
By now, most of the class was here, and had no idea what was going on.
Gally had introduced herself, and had made a good impression with everyone. Well, almost everyone. Slime still didn't trust her.

"Alright class- why do you all look so worried..?"

Herobrine said, teleporting to his desk in front of everyone. Wither explained, still listening out for if Zombie called him.


Zombie and Yin made their way back to his house, his diamond sword gripped tightly in his right hand. His left held onto Yin's, not letting go.
Yin was equally concerned, slightly stepping behind Zombie. She currently only possessed a bow, but so did her mother and brother.

They had reached his house now, and could hear yearling from inside. It consisted of Yin's name, and a bunch of random threats.

This upset Yin, and the look on her face could prove that. That was something that angered Zombie; he didn't like seeing people he cared for feeling scared.

And just if things could get any worse, it started raining.

"Just grrrreat."

Zombie groaned sarcastically, motioning for Yin to step back as the front door creaked open.
Out walked Sheril and Friar, who immediately turned to face them both.
Yin took another step back as Zombie lunged at Sheril, blocking Friar's attack while doing so.

Hitting repeatedly at Sheril, Friar took his chance to go at Yin.

"Your anger will be your downfall!"

He yelled at Zombie, holding a knife to Yin's throat.
She letting out a strangled cry, momentarily distracting Zombie. Using this to her advantage, Sheril pushed him down before pointing her weapon at him.

"You reap what you sew 'cAiN'!"

She shouted with glee, bringing her weapon down at him.

It hit with a clang, bouncing off of an iron sword.

Sheril looked up in surprise to see a quite agitated Wither.
He flicked the sword up, sending her stumbling back.

"Zombie. I literally told you to call me if you needed help!"

Zombie had now realised that his actions of running into danger to protect the ones he cared for was idiotic and it could have got him killed.
Wither didn't seem angry because of it though; he just carried on being supportive while he held Sheril in the air.

"C-cain ..."

They both twisted their heads to see Friar holding Yin at knifepoint.
Zombie instantly scrambled to his feet in a defensive stance, but Wither motioned at for him to stand at ease.
In a moment, Friar's weapon was gone, having been hacked away by Wither.
Zombie just grinned sincerely at him (at Wither), and asked him something, although none of the others heard it.

"Oookay! You guys have served your time in the Overworld. Goodbye!"

Sheril and Friar vanished with a puff of smoke, leaving Zombie and Yin in a coughing fit.
When the smoke finally cleared, Wither had gone back to Monster School as he had left them a note;

'Good Luck getting back to MS, I ain't teleporting you Lmao

"Well, fuck you too, Wither. Yin, we better get going."

Zombie started up, walking over to Yin and helping her off of the ground.
She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, his eyes widening at the gesture.

"W-what was that for?!"

He asked, his face heating up. She just smiled and ran back along the way they came, while he was laughing, and telling her to come back.


Meanwhile, with Sheril and Friar;

"What is this place?"

Friar asked, kicking a rock into the darkness of the void that they were stuck in.
They'd seen a ton of other mobs in here, and there were probably tons more in the distance.
Another Wither Skeleton in front of them turned to face them.

"You're stuck here until Wither decides that you can leave. It's basically a form of punishment. People have been stuck down here for years, or just for months for a crime that they did. I've been stuck here for many years."

Sheril and Friar looked at him in surprise.

"What did you do that was so bad??"

"I, uh, basically harassed another Wither Skeleton, and Wither stuck me down here. He wasn't even related to her, and had known her for less than 30 minutes. Bloody hell, I know that I did horribly now, and God hope I've changed. My name's Theo, by the way."

They both shared glances. If Wither had sent this guy down for that long for doing something to someone that he didn't even know, then how long were that going to be stuck here?

"Jeez... I hope we're not down here for that long."

"Well, what did you do?"

"We, uh, almost killed a Zombie, who was Wither's friend, we harassed and hurt a Skeleton, who was Wither's boyfriend, and we hurt that same Zombie's girlfriend—"

They were cut off by the sound of Theo laughing.

"Christ, you guys screwed up badly! You're going to be in here so much longer than me!"


Hey guys, Lexie here!

Sorry it took so long to make, school and stuff got in the way, but I'll try to post when I can!

As always, stay safe and remember to eat/drink!


Wither x Skeleton (one-shots kind of) [Discontinued for now]Where stories live. Discover now