[2] A modern Romeo+Juliet

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"And why are we doing this again?"

Skeleton asked, his face flushed red, clearly embarrassed. He stood in a white dress, holding some red roses.
Creeper and Slime were trying so hard not to laugh, while the others somehow managed to keep their composure.
This was when Pigman decided to lead Wither in, who was wearing a makeshift hunter outfit with a bow held unskillfully and his quiver uneven.
His face heated up when he saw Skeleton, but managed to not let anyone know.
Skeleton came up to him, and without saying anything, fixed the angle of the quiver and fixed how he held the bow.
At this Zombie burst out laughing.

"Skel, it doesn't have to be perfect."

"It was annoying me. That was not how you hold a bow."

It took a good few minutes to calm Zombie down, and for him to stop calling Skeleton a 'perfect bastard'.

"Okay! Enderman, go get the fake stairs and the polystyrene castle tower."

Enderman grabbed both of these things without a word, still keeping a straight face.
A few minutes later, all the props were in their corespondent places.

"I'm not gonna take this seriously after you forced me to do this and make me wear a dress, you know?"

This made Zombie go into another fit of giggles, only making the process take longer still.
Once everyone was in place, Pigman and Zombie pulled out their phones to record this bizarre take on Romeo and Juliet.
It went a little bit like this;

"Oh dear Juliet, are you in there?"-W

"Those aren't the lines, you twat."-S

"Listen, I haven't read Romeo and Juliet in a while!"-W

"Okay, just carry on!"-Z

"Can I come in?"-W

"Fucketh off."-S
(This caused most of the mobs to have yet another fit of laughter)

"But we're lovers you and I~ let me in!"-W


"What? I'm improvising!"-W

" 'Ooh, let us fucketh together darlin' *wheeze*"-E


"Take some flowers, bitcheth."-S
(Drops them on Wither's face)

"What the hell, Skel! *Laughing*"-W

"Okay I've had enough."-S

Skeleton climbed out of the makeshift tower, dropping onto to wooden floor with an unsteady 'clunk'.

"Why did I have to wear fucking heels?"

While Zombie was dying of laughter in the corner, Skeleton slipped outside, sitting on one of the benches that occupied the grassy area.
He sat there for a while, enjoying the tranquility of the scene. It appears that Wither was also enjoying the tranquility of the scene as he stood behind Skeleton, not moving as to not alert him.
Wither took his phone out and silently snapped a photo of the peace that Skeleton was comfortable in, adding it to a private photo album he had saved as 'My Romeo <3' (despite him having played the role of Juliet). It just had pictures of Skeleton, and him together.
Wither decided to make his move, walking up to Skeleton and tackling him in a hug before sitting down next to him.

"Hey, you kind of dropped your roses on me... want them back?"

He said, smiling as he passed them back to him. Skeleton accepted them but looked the other way, in an attempt to cover the blush that was creeping up his face.
It didn't work, and Wither noticed, but didn't say anything so he wouldn't fluster Skeleton any further.

"We should probably get back to the others; as much as they're my friends, I don't trust them in the slightest!"

Pulling Skeleton up, they both went back inside.
They were gathered around Zombie's phone, laughing yet again about their shitty Romeo and Juliet remake.

"Here, when we get home, I'll send it to you both."

Soon enough, it was eventually time to go home. As soon as Skeleton got home, though, he got a message off of Zombie with the title 'Lmao pls open'.
Turns out that they'd sent the whole version, all of it that they'd recorded, and then made an actual attempt at an edited movie, he had to give props for that.
The title, was the thing that stuck out most though, because it was possibly the most truest thing said throughout the performance.

"A modern Romeo + Juliet"


Hey y'all, Lexie here!
Two chapters in a day, whoa I'm on fire!
Anyway, remember to eat/drink if you haven't already, and stay safe!


Wither x Skeleton (one-shots kind of) [Discontinued for now]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora