Part 22: No More Talking

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The very thought that Bucky had forbidden himself from having crossed his mind and he stood up, moving out of his chair to sit on the bed. He reached his hand up to Y/n's face, scanning her face for any sign that he was misreading the situation.

"Buck..." she meant to ask what he was doing, but it ended up as a plea. She knew her face was going red, but she couldn't find it in her to care. He was so close to her and every part of her was screaming to reach for him but she waited, she always waited.

He leaned in giving her the opportunity to back up, to tell him that he was wrong, that they were better off the way they were. But she stayed where she was, eyes darting to his lips and back up again. It was now or never.

His lips met hers and he felt her whole body freeze in place. He started to pull away, cursing himself for thinking she might feel the same, for misreading the signs, but she pulled him back in by his sweatshirt. No, her sweatshirt, technically it was hers. Maybe he could be hers too.

She kissed back desperately, tired of waiting, tired of talking. Maybe she could make him understand this way instead. One hand tangled into his hair and the other still held on to the jacket tightly as though he'd disappear if she let go. His arms wrapped around her waist, keeping Y/n close as the very thing they had been waiting on for so long finally happened.

Minutes ticked by as they finally let themselves indulge, only stopping for a gasp of air when necessary. As they finally broke apart her hands came up to hold his face, touching her forehead to his as they caught their breath. A huge grin spread across Bucky's face as he realized what had just happened. "I should've done that sooner," he whispered.

Y/n laughed, "You think so?" She pressed her lips to his again before pulling him down on the bed beside her. Bucky didn't hesitate to go with her, chasing the closeness she so freely offered. "You're wearing my hoodie again," She whispered. "It looks good on you."

"I was cold," He leaned up on one arm, intending on stealing another kiss when he heard a sound in the doorway and looked over.

"Oh no," Clint said sarcastically, "please don't stop kissing my sister just because we're here."

"Shut up, Bucky actually talked about his feelings?" Sam said, smiling like an idiot right next to him. "Someone sound the alarm! The world just ended!"

Bucky's face burned red as Y/n laughed beside him. "Let me kiss him Clint, I got shot."

Clint rolled his eyes, "You're fine, the doctor said you can go home once the paperwork is done."

"Really?" Y/n asked, scrambling out of bed. "What are we waiting for?" She asked excitedly. "I need to get out of this gown and into my own clothes."

Sam threw a duffle bag at her. "There should be a change of clothes in there for you. And if you're cold you can take your hoodie back from Iceman there."

Bucky rolled his eyes and went to take off the sweatshirt but Y/n stopped his hands. "I think I like it better when you wear it," She said, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"Disgusting! You're gonna make me throw up." Clint gagged, leaning on Sam for dramatic effect.

Now it was Y/n's turn to roll her eyes as she threw a pen from the nightstand at her brother. Unfortunately he caught it easily and she damned his quick reflexes. "If you don't stop being such a bitch I'm gonna start kissing him even more," she teased.

"Don't look so excited there, Buck." Sam laughed at the eager look on Bucky's face.

"Yeah, Bucky," Clint joined in, "Reign it in a little."

"You asked for it," Y/n said, waving an accusatory finger towards her brother and Sam. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

She grabbed Bucky and pressed her lips against his, tangling her fingers in his hair as she kissed him. He froze for just a second before pulling her into him and deepening the kiss, only stopping when she finally broke away and went into the bathroom to change leaving him standing there with a rapidly darkening blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Ok now I really am gonna puke." Clint said, rolling his eyes as he sat down on a chair and dodged Sam's playful hit to his arm.

"All jokes aside," Sam started with a teasing look at Clint, putting a hand on Bucky's shoulder, "I'm happy for you, you did good, Buck."

Bucky smiled, still trying to get the blush on his face to go away, "Let's be honest, I got lucky." He still wasn't entirely convinced this wasn't some hyper realistic dream he was having. The idea that his feelings were reciprocated, much less this intensely, felt impossible.

"Trust me luck had nothing to do with it," Clint said. "I've been listening to her pine over you for years. It's exhausting."

"So you're ok with all this?" Bucky asked, the twins were incredibly overprotective of each other. Not to mention the fact that they held each other's opinions above anyone else's. He was painfully aware that one word from Clint had the ability to strip away everything he had just gained.

"Of course I am," Clint said, rolling his eyes. "You're one of the best men I know. If someone has to be kissing my sister, I'm glad that someone is you. And for the record, if she had listened to me this would have happened a long time ago. I mean, I remember when-"

"Ok, I think that's enough, no need to expose me," Y/n interrupted her brother as she walked out of the bathroom. "I'm ready to go home."

"I mean technically we're supposed to wait for one final check up," Sam said, "but I won't tell if you won't. If we make a run for it I don't think they'll be able to stop us."

"Ok on three," Clint said, peeking out the door. "One. Two, Three!"

The four took off running down the hallway, not stopping until they reached the jet. Clint sprinted into the cockpit, taking off as his teammates settled into their seats. Before long Y/n could see the sea of trees that signified that they were almost home.

She reached for Bucky, pleased at the fact that he didn't hesitate to hold her hand. She brought their intertwined hands up to her mouth and pressed a kiss to the metal as Bucky gave her a soft smile. Sooner or later there would be another problem to be dealt with, another bad guy to defeat. But for now all was well. For just a little bit, all was right with the world.

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