Chapter 10.1: UWAAACKKK!!!

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(A/n: This is a rewrite. All chapters that is not a whole number is like a side story. Like this one.)


"Teams that passed the test, please line up in an orderly fashion!" Said a girl with yellow hair and clothes. She is also wearing a headset with a microphone that is attached to it as it raises the volume of her voice for all the regulars to hear it.

She is Yellow. Also one of the test administrators although she is only acting as an assistant.

She then gestured towards the large door beside her as she continued.

"We'll be going in the order of the teams that passed because this test is administered one at a time. The rest of the teams, please follow the instructions given by this guide robot and be on standby." She gestured towards her right side as some kind of small alien wearing the same clothes as her appeared to her side.

She then continued.

"Now then, let's get this test started. First team, please come through this way." She said as the first team of regulars entered the large door.

She then closed the door and stand by the door as she guards it. The regulars then talked to each other to pass the time.

The trio is not an exception as they also waited and talk to each other.

Khun is currently carrying Kai on his back for Khun's payment for punching Kai. When Kai asked him what did he do wrong, Khun just said that it must be nice to be an 'it' to be able to have so much shinsu resistance. Which Kai thought as something very petty reason to punch someone but he just forgets about it and demanded a payment.

Rak also questioned the turtle if he is actually a veteran hunter for him to not be pushed by the shinsu. He said that veteran hunters of his race easily hunts turtles even under heavy shinsu and he also wants to surpass them.

Hearing this, Kai boasted that even those veteran hunters is nothing infront of him.

Rak didn't consider him boasting as his image of Kai becomes better as he declared him as someone he will surpass someday. Kai said good luck to him with a genuine smile and thumb's up while Khun just watched them and thought that it's not that bad to be in this team.

"Khun~ I don't feel too good about those stares~" said Kai as he is being carried by Khun in his back. He can feel that many regulars are staring at him with different emotions.

There's someone who feels like they just want to know him but the thing that he is really getting uncomfortable of is because he felt like there's someone staring at him with the intent to r#pe him out of nowhere.

Well, he won't mind if the one with that intent is a beautiful girl though...

But if it's a guy...


"What the- stop shaking you idiot. And that's your fault for showing off. Potato brained people might not have noticed it but there's definitely some regulars that noticed your irregularity." Said Khun as he observes people who is staring at Kai with some intent.

He is his team mate so he should also be wary of them. If they noticed that he is an irregular and they have the intention to snitch to dangerous groups of people, they will be in huge trouble. If possible, he wants to find them and kill them to stop them from snitching but he knows that there will definitely be one or two of them who will manage to get away so the only option is either hide or have as many meat shi- allies as possible.

After staring at the blue turtle who is observing the regulars with some anxiousness for a few seconds, the chad finally spoke.

"What are you even afraid of, blue turtle? Did you already forgot that red turtle is a veteran hunter? Stop being a scared turtle since I don't want to have a turtle like that as a team mate." Said the chad, Rak Wraithraiser.

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