☆ Chapter 16 ☆

Start from the beginning

"Goodnight." I say with a smile once we reach the park.

I had taken half a step when his voice rang through the air. "Wait." Danny grabs my wrist, pulling me in for a hug. "Our perfect date isn't over just yet."

Without another word, he pulls me farther into the park until we reach the picnic area. Benches connected to tables filled a small clearing half surrounded by trees, half overlooking a quaint little pond.

"Wait 'til you see this." Danny mutters under his breath, a smile overtaking his features. I don't think that the words were meant for me, or anyone for that matter, and that made them a thousand times more adorable. It just proved how much he wanted to make me happy.

Suddenly, the weight of the situation fell on top of my head like a ton of bricks. I could've sworn I got a concussion from the sudden realization that someone was actually trying to make me happy. Not to get something out of me, not to use me, but just to make me completely and genuinely happy.

Except for some reason, I don't think I could be.

Danny was all I could ever want and more. But maybe that was the problem; I wasn't used to getting what I wanted, and whenever I did, it was usually torn from me in the most painful of ways. What if that were to happen with Danny? I'm not sure whether or not I would be able to handle that.

I'm not sure if I could keep myself from breaking.

"Cassie?" Danny's face was right in front of mine. I felt my cheeks heat as I realized that I had probably zoned out. "You okay?"

"Yeah." I gave him the best smile I could muster.

"Good." His smiled was so wide I couldn't help but smile back at him. Gosh, he was the definition if beautiful, both inside and out.

He would never break me. I don't think he had it in him to make someone else feel such sorrow. I, on the other hand, was a ticking time bomb. I could go off at any time without warning, my shrapnel destroying the both of us in the process.

Danny didn't deserve that. I didn't deserve him.

"Now, I know that restaurant was absolutely amazing." Danny's words broke through my thoughts yet again. "And it'll be hard to beat. But that won't keep me from trying."

"Oh?" I asked, if only to offer a response. He was still smiling. I, on the other hand, was beginning to feel broken already.

"Can I cover your eyes?" Danny asked hesitantly.

No, I don't like not being able to see. "Yeah."

His hands covered my eyes, nearly engulfing my face as Danny took his place behind me. He prodded me forward, one small step at a time. While I can't say I wasn't nervous, I found myself trusting Danny a slight bit more than I trusted most other people.

Yet another reason I couldn't do this. Be with him. I definitely had no business falling in love with him, or having him fall for me.

"Here." Danny removed his hands, revealing a picnic table that was separated from the others. It was more surrounded by trees, though it was still close enough to the pond to give us a beautiful view of the stars reflecting on its clear surface.

That wasn't even the most amazing part. The table was covered with a red tablecloth, two plates set across from one another. A candle filled the gap between the two sets of silverware, a small vase of about six or so roses accompanying it.


"Is it better than the restaurant?" Danny asked after my short reply.

"Yes." I had no other words to describe just how amazing this entire setup was. It just proved to me how much he cared. No one had ever done something of this magnitude for me before.

He smiled shyly, scratching at the back of his neck. "I actually had Paul come and set this up for me. The restaurant was sorta my way of stalling.

"I would pull a chair out for you," he continued, making his way over to the table and waiting for me to follow. "But that would require a chair that I could actually pull out."

I couldn't even grin at his joke. No, I was too busy thinking. We were in too deep. I was trying to keep up above in my head instead of going under, but at this point that was going to be impossible.

I had to break both of our hearts. Soon. Otherwise, there would be nothing left of either of us.

☆ ☆ ☆


Thanks for reading~

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QoTC: What do you think Cassie is planning on doing?

Sorry for the late update you guys .-. I've been busy with school and basketball. I'll try and update more often though :)

Oooh while I'm here I'm going to ask you guys to read my other story, Roomies. It's a Calum Hood fanfic with the other guys as characters. For all you 5SoS fans like myself ;)

~Stay Amazing~

xoxo, InsomiaWriting

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