chapter twenty-three. the turn

Start from the beginning

She waved her hand, "He can wait."

I chuckled as I looked down, a thought lingering on my mind, "So, are we like... dating now? Like... are you my girlfriend?" I asked through squinted eyes. I wasn't sure if we were there yet. "I mean, like I know you just broke up with Jackson and I would understand if you didn't want another relationship so soon -" I was interrupted when Lydia started laughing, causing me to look at her in confusion.


She shook her head, a grin on her face, "Of course I'm your girlfriend, dummy."

"Well we never talked about it, how was I supposed to know!?"

Lydia shrugged, "I don't know, I thought it would be clear from all the things I said, and all the things you said, and the way that we went to the dance together and kissed... and from the way that we kissed just now that we were... you know, together."

My eyes lit up at her words, feeling myself become almost insanely giddy, "Okay." I replied in bliss. She chuckled before she winced, putting her hand to her side where she got bit. I frowned, "Are you okay?"

She nodded, sitting up, "Yeah, I'm okay. I think it actually is time for me to take a shower though."

I nodded before I stood up, "Yeah, okay, that's cool. I think I'm just gonna get something from the vending machine, do you want anything?"

She shook her head, "No thanks, I'm okay."

I nodded as she stood up, placing a kiss on my cheek before making her way into the bathroom that was connected to her room. I sighed as I exited, closing the door behind me before I made my way to vending machine at the end of the hall.

I was gonna have to talk to Scott about this.

I couldn't lie to Lydia. My girlfriend. I couldn't lie to my girlfriend. That's not a good way to start or keep a relationship. I mean, look at him and Allison. Their whole relationship he was so stressed about this huge, abnormal secret. It caused so much strain and chaos and anxiety and now that she finally knows the truth, she still loves him anyway and they're still together.

Of course, Mr. Argent didn't know that they were still seeing each other. In fact, that was the only reason he let Scott walk free. If he stayed away from Allison.

But the point is, it doesn't have to be so bad. I didn't know how Lydia would react but it couldn't possibly be that terrible. It wasn't like I was the werewolf. I mean, she's already been bitten by Peter and exposed to all of this. It seemed like she had at least some recollection of what happened that night. Maybe if I just told her, and explained what happened, it would be better for her.

I arrived at the vending machine before pulling a dollar out of my sweatpants pocket. I pressed "E3" for the Reese's Pieces cup after I put my dollar in the machine, the machine granting my request. I grinned as I pulled my chocolate-peanut butter goodness out of the machine before I walked back down the hallway.

"Hey, honey." I heard someone say.

I turned around, my eyes landing on my mom as she stood in front of me. "Hey, mom." I smiled. "How's it going?"

She shrugged, "Just another day. I was actually just coming by to check on that girlfriend of yours."

I couldn't refrain from grinning at the mention of my girlfriend, playing with the plastic surrounding my snack. She didn't even know that we were officially dating, she just called her my girlfriend anyway. "Yeah, I was just heading back there now." I informed her before we started to walk together, my mom holding her clipboard against her chest.

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