"My hair still looks like gold when the sun hits it, Mum. It just doesn't blow wildly in the wind anymore. Anyway, thanks for the food I'm off," Helen said in reply as she put her dish in the sink and jogged to the front door.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow morning. Make sure to clean the dishes tonight when you get home," her mother called to her as the door shut behind her.

It was a brisk walk from the door to her beat up truck in the driveway. Due to it being cold outside, as winter was on a quick approach, the cab was freezing and wouldn't be warm in time due to the short drive from home to school. The roadway was as clear as it could be for a Friday morning in Ninjago.

The trip was complete when she pulled into her usual parking spot at the back of the parking lot of the local highschool. She took a slow walk from her truck so she could watch her breath fill the air as she went along. She stopped at the stairs of the school and looked up to be met with banners and posters, the Ninja's figures one them.

"Great," Helen muttered to herself as she climbed the staircase to the school entrance.

Mutters of bliss filled the air as people joyfully talked about the 'Ninja's Go' assembly. It took them months, but the school finally got the Ninja to come and talk to them. Helen really didn't like the ninja so having an assembly just for them really rubbed her the wrong way.

The day grew long as the classes passed, each hour ticking closer to a dreaded assembly that she didn't want to attend. But a saving grace appeared just after the bells rang to release her into hell, her saving grace being that of the cross country coach, her favorite person at the moment.

"HELEN! How have you been, hon?" the old coach said as he called out to her.

"I've been good Coach Rodney, and you," she asked him in return.

"I've been just great! Now I know your... feelings, towards our reckless savoirs so I'm here to offer you the track before you release hell's eternal fury on those poor souls," Coach Rodney said to her, being nothing but all smiles as he relayed it to her.

With her eyes glimmering Helen replied, "YES, I accept,"

"But won't you get in trouble," she continued as she thought about it.

"Na, you'll be fine. Now go, I can practically tell that you're about to bust from the excitement," the coach hummed as she shook her head and sprinted off to the locker rooms to change.

Helen quickly stripped herself of her school clothes and threw on her gym ones. Lacing up her tennis shoes she jogged out the athletics entrance and made her way over to the track, her home away from her morning runs. The next hour and a half was just her and her thoughts as she cleared them away.

Why did she despise the Ninja on a high level, well that was simple. Though they were the saviors of her city didn't mean she didn't see the travesty left in their wake. People's houses and jobs destroyed, family members injured or killed due to being caught in the crossfire after a supposed 'evacuation' of the area.

That's what happened to Helen's father and younger sister. They were unfortunately killed during one of the Ninja's fights, leaving her and her mother in a slum that no one would truly feel. That's why she hated them, her father and sister killed after everyone was said to have been evacuated successfully. It made her sick thinking of it.

So she ran, she ran to escape the feelings, the pain, but in the end it was never enough.

Landing on her left foot wrong, Helen crumbled to the ground in emotional pain, the sound of curse words flooding from her mouth as she thought about how ludicrous her attempt was. The final bell rang out through the campus, becking Helen to stand and make her way back inside before the after school workouts started. She had made it into the school building and halfway to the locker rooms to change before she was stopped by her seventh least favorite person in the world, Laurance.

"Where were you today during the assembly, I missed you," he cooed to her, a gagging feeling shot through Helen as she tried to pull away from him.

"I was out on the track, assemblies aren't my style," she said in reply with the hopes that he would let her go. But it was to no avail.

"Why do you still hate them, that was like 3 years ago Lena-beana. It's time to let go." he said, trying to push her hair out of her face, but she slapped his hand away.

"WILL LETTING GO BRING THEM BACK!!! My father is gone but my sister, MY BABY SISTER, will never get to know what anything was like. She'll never graduate and go off to college, she'll never get to make a group of friends she'd claim to die for, she'll never get to find that one person to love. SO TELL ME, WHY SHOULD I LET THAT GO," Helen yelled at him in anger, the school rumbled as if it responded with her anger.

"It should have been me that day with him, if it were me maybe he would still be here too. I'll never forgive the Ninja and their crappy evacuations but I'll also NEVER forgive myself. Now please move," she gritted in anger.

"No. Helen come with me, I can help you, I can make you forget those feelings. Just give me the chance," Laurance said, pushing her out to break away.

"Move," she said, her anger still simmering.

"No, come with m-," he started but was caught off by Helen slapping him to the floor.

"I don't know why after all this time you thought that you of all people could talk to me but it seems you're too dense for that. Laurance, leave me alone otherwise next time I'll do more than just leave a slap mark," Helen said to him, her voice and eyes radiating a chaotic anger.

Helen pulled away from him, expecting him to stay on the ground but was quickly proven wrong by her feet being sweeped out from beneath her and Laurance holding her down.

"You will NOT fight me, Miss Vermilla, I will have my way," he muttered to her.

He expected her to give up then and there but was met with a sight that scared him. Helen's eyes were no longer their lovely silvery blue color but a blood red fury poured from her body as he locked eyes with her. But before he could react, he was pulled off of her by a third, not so happy, party.

"When a woman says NO, she means no," the third party said to Laurance, anger dripping from their voice.

That third party just happened to be one of the ninja, the Green Ninja to be exact, and he was not happy. Laurance was frozen in fear and Helen looked away to wait out the color change of her eyes.

"Leave, before I do something I don't want to do," Green said as he basically tossed Laurance to the side. Helen was shocked at this treatment but understood in one way it was deserved.

The Green ninja let out a sigh as he turned to the woman on the ground, surprise hitting him when he saw her golden locks. "Are you alright," he asked.

"I.. I'm fine," Helen said, shoving his now outstretched hand away from her as she stood up by herself.

"That's great! He shouldn't bother you anymore," Green said, happy at what he did.

"WhAt! Are you serious?!?" Helen yelled, the enraged feeling flooding back.

"Hmmm, what do you mean," He asked, now confused on why the young woman was mad.

"What you did, just made whatever is coming after worse," Helen seethed.

"I.. I'm sorry. I didn't know," Green said remorsefully.

Helen froze at his response, she hadn't wanted this to happen. She could tell he meant what he said, making her sigh.

"It's... It's fine Green. I understand that you may not have known, after all I'm guessing that you've never been in a school setting like this before," Helen muttered as she pushed her bangs aside.

"That's... How did you know that?" he asked her, surprised.

"The look in your eyes, that's the look of someone who doesn't understand something like this. This crap happens all the time," Helen answered, pulling away from the awestruck Ninja so she could change.

"Hey wai-," but the door was already closed.


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