Story One

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[L] Another Lloyd x Oc

Chapter 1

The sun slowly started to rise over the horizon as my truck drove down the only road from my small village to the Metroplex, boxes and such in the back. I was moving. I was leaving my perfectly slow and calm life behind to live in a city that truly never slept. I sighed heavily and rolled my window down, letting the winds tangle my already messy hair. Soon the silence of the drive was taken over by the sounds of cars and radios playing too loud as I entered the city limits of Ninjago.

The drive from the city's entrance to my new house wasn't that long due to there being really no heavy early morning traffic. I drove up to the small house and pulled into the one car driveway, putting my truck in park and turning it off. I opened the door and slipped out to stretch my tense muscles. Even though my house was in the outskirts of Ninjago and close to a forest, the city pollution was still thick and somewhat suffocating.

I pulled the gate of the truck bed down and started to remove some boxes and placed them on the porch. Pulling the keys out from my pants pocket I opened the storm door and inserted the key into the door knob, unlocking it and pushed it open. Slowly but surely I unloaded all the boxes from the back of the truck and brought them inside, placing them in their respective rooms.

The house was a small two story building with the kitchen, living room, and guest room on the bottom floor, and the master bedroom and laundry room on the second floor. The set up was simple, yet practical and it fit my needs and wants even if it wasn't as big as my old house. I was done unpacking everything by 10:30 ish and started to build the furniture that came in a moving van around 9:00. When I was done I plopped down on the couch in the living room and looked up at the ceiling and closed my eyes.

Around 4:30 an alarm went off on my phone, startling me awake and off the coach and onto the floor. I grabbed my phone and tried to find why an alarm went off when I had nothing set.

"Lord Garmadon is attacking, who's Lord Garmadon?" I muttered to myself as I stood up off the ground and looked out the living room window.

The evening seemed calm as the sun started to near the horizon for the night, but in the distance I saw smoke rising from the city and when I listened hard enough I could hear people screaming. I quickly dashed up the stairs to my room and flung its doors open and stumbled over half full and empty boxes till I found the one I needed. I ripped the tape off and grabbed the contents of the box and ran back down stairs, and ran outside, the screams of people more evident than before.

I ran down the street and into the woods where I changed into my Gi like costume and attached my weapon to my thigh as I summed my energy dragon and took off towards the commotion. The city was in panic as a large mech stooped around its streets. I tightly pulled my mask down and let my ears and tail out as I gripped the sides and rains of my dragon as I spiraled down towards the mech's back. I landed a solid hit on it, causing it to turn around and look at me.

"Oh, what do we have here? Another ninja it seems. Actually, that's no ninja robe. So what are you," the man in the mech said as he started to swipe at me.

"That I have no idea myself Sir, but I believe I can tell you this. I will stop you," I told him as I made try dragon dissipate and jumped on the back of his mech.

I removed the weapon strapped to my thigh and expanded it to a longer length and stabbed it into the back of the robot and fell down ripping panels and electrical work as I went along. When I landed on the ground the mech began to stutter then came to a stop and collapsed to the ground in a disheveled mess. The man removed himself from the wreckage and started to walk over me.

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