Story Four

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[L] Lloyd x Oc

Chapter I

The evening was quiet as Helen swiftly ran through the city streets of Ninjago, evading the tailing green ninja's attempts to capture her. She swiftly jumped over and under people not wanting to hurt them in her nightly shananagines with the ninja. Some people even cheered her on as she ran along, others weren't paying attention.

Helen looked over her shoulder to give the ninja a tounting look and noticed how close she was to her tail, she still stuck her tongue out at him and faced forward looking for an alleyway to slip into in hopes of losing him. But where she was going was decided for her when she heard the faintest sound of a gun going off and the smell of black powder in the alleyway across the street.

She took a dramatic turn and used the butt of her scythe to propel her across the oncoming cars. Surprising the green ninja with her attics to lose him, he followed in her steps and used his powers to propel him across the road as well.

Helen landed in the middle of the sidewalk and dashed into the alleyway looking for the one who shot the gun moments ago. The smell of black powder and iron filled the air as she ran closer, completely forgetting about the green ninja who was still following her.

The flow of air changed and a new scent was in the area, the small of powder and iron on them. They were near. Helen slowed down a little bit to get a better idea of where the person was but it was too late.

The green ninja landed in front of her, and the shooter was turning the corner.

"I've got you now thief," the green ninja yelled in triumf as he came closer to her, but she was to busy eyeing down the shaft of the gun that was pointed at the ninjas head.

"This is not the time," she yelled as she wrapped herself around the ninja and spun around so that the bullet would hit her instead.

The sound of a gun going off was all that was heard as Helen gruted, taking the bullet just below her left shoulder blade. She fell on top of the green ninja and rolled off, holding her left shoulder as she whimpered in pain. The green ninja layed on the ground in shock that she took a bullet for them.

Slowly, Helen stood up and glared at the shooter with malus.

"You are going to regret that," she said in a low growl, the shooter tensed up as she did.

The green ninja stood up behind her, unsure of what she was going to do as he watched her reach for her hairpin that was sticking up from her messy bun. She slowly held it out in front of her and whispered under her breath.



The Alleyway,

The Shooter and Green Ninja where on the ground.

Helen's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to find the other two passed out on the ground and my hair pin laying on the ground a few feet in front of me. I steedly walked over and picked it up and placed it back in my hair. I swiftly walked over to the shooter and looked through his bag and found a rope to tie him up with so if he woke up he couldn't get away.

I turned to the ninja and searched his body for a communicator, finding it on his hip. I slowly took it off and got a safe distance away from him so this teammates yelling wouldn't wake him up.

"Hello," I called into the device.

"Who are you and how did you get ahold of this communicator?" Barked a voice, it was Fire from my guess.

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