"Oh you know that you enjoy my company. After all I am your monitor," she said.

"Wait, your the Wolf?" I asked her, surprised.

"Why yes, yes I am. And if my eyes do not deceive me, you are the Green Ninja," she said her smile dimming was she said ninja.

"Yes. But how are you the Wolf From Hell, your like more than a foot shorter than me," I said looking at her, still surprised. She just chuckled.

"Well I don't know if anyone has told you this, but size doesn't matter," she said, a sly smile on her face as she turned around and walked away. My father let out a small chuckle as I stood there trying to comprehend what she said. The moment it hit me, my face blushed.

"HEY! That's so not cool," I screamed at her as I started chasing after her. She started to giggle excessively and run to. The door opened as she neared it and she slid on her shoes, passing the threshold. She stopped and looked back at me and stuck her tongue out.

I tackled her to the ground as the metal door slammed shut behind us, her laugh more evident than ever. This felt so familiar, as though all this has happened before and it was just meant to be. She slid out from beneath me and dusted herself off. She turned around to me and held out a hand to help me up off the ground.

"I am sorry for tackling you," I said to her as I dusted myself off as well.

"It's fine...,"

"There you are, how was your last "hunt" as you call them," the warden said as he emerged from the control room, cutting the Wolf off. She turned around and shreaked at him in fright and fell on her butt. I just laughed at her as she growled at me, I opened my eyes and was met with her eyes glaring back up at me.

But what got my attention the most was the new set of ears and tail that now adorned her. She just rolled her eyes and turned back to the warden.

"Everything went successfully sir. I have now caputed the rest of the Sons of Garmadon. They are currently up in the holding cells being scanned in and transferred to the proper jailling units," she said to him, her posture now straight and her hands by her sides. The warden shook his head.

"Good, good. Now you know the rules, go home and I don't want to see you here for a week. If I even caught a glimpse of you anywhere near this compound, it's intense training for a month you hear me," he told her.

"Yes sir," she chirped back. She started to walk away but the warden caught her by the arm,

"By the way, your ears and tail are out. You may want to hide them," he told her, her face became a blushing red mess as she looked at him with anger and embarrassment.

"W-Why didn't you tell me earlier," she snapped at him, and in a moments notice her tail and ears where gone and she was stomping up the stairs. I looked at the warden and he just shrugged his shoulders and returned to the control room as I ran up after her.

"You know something," I started.

"Know what," she said, cutting me off.

"You remind me of a friend that I had when I was still living in Jamanakai village. If I remember properly she also had a tail and ears and she was very shy about them, only allowing them out when it was just us two," I said, looking down at my hands and smiling at all the fun and good times we had together.

"If I am not mistaken her name was something that started with an H. I think Hella, no that doesn't sound right, Hallana, no not that one ether," I said trying to remember her name.

"Helen," was all she said.

"Ya, that's right. It was Helen, even though I hated girls back then she was the only person that saw me as me. The only person able to get to me. I only have one regret," I finished off.

"And what's that," Wolf asked me as we approached the top of the staircase.

"That I never went back for her, she must hate me by now. And I mean look at me, she's 16 years old and here I am looking three years older than I truly am. God I am such a mess," I muttered. The Wolf paused at the second to last step and turned around to face me, a small smile on her face and tears brimming from her eyes.

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, I forgive you. I forgave you a long time ago," she said, her arms spread out, casting her shadow down on me.

Then it hit me, this was Helen.

"But how," I muttered as I pulled her into a hug.

"How did this happen to you," I asked as I ran my hands through her hair.

"I don't know, I just woke up like this one day," she said.


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