"You think," she asked, sleep fading from her eyes as they began to sparkle.

"If you ask hard enough and do as they say," I replied as mum and dad sat the food down in the middle of the table for us to eat.

"How are you feeling Lena-Bena, you ready to start your next adventure," mum asked me as she started to grab food.

"Ya, I'm excited but also quite nervous. I mean, I'm moving to The Ninjago City. What will happen, what will I do, who knows 'cause I surely don't," I said, shoving some toast in my mouth.

"I hope you finally meet someone that'll make you happy, and you finally loosen up for once," mum said, putting her hand on her cheek thinking of me with another person and embarrassing me in front of them.

"If you don't watch what you say dad's going to spit his coffee out," my sister stated.

"Oh Cecilia, I'm just having fun, though it would be nice sweety. You needed to find someone that'll love you," mum said.

"Just take your time, and don't rush anything otherwise you'll end up marrying something like that," dad said pointing back at mom.

"I'll be focusing on school and a job, that's all I care about at the moment. Maybe in a few years or so I'll start looking for someone," I told them, picking at my eggs.

"Well then fine, as long as you start doing it soon. So, when do you think would be a good time to visit you after you move in," mum asked.

"Maybe in a week or two, just give me some time to settle in and find a job for the summer," I told her.

"Don't work your summer away like you have the last few, you're still a child in many ways! You need to enjoy your time while you have it," dad scolded.

"I know, I'll try my best," I sighed out.

"Can you get me a Ninjas autograph?" Cecilia asked me out of the blue.

"What? You want me to try and get an autograph from one of the savors, who I mind you, are very busy people," I told her.

"Well it would be nice, if you could can you get one of the Green Ninja that would be awesome," she stated.

"Just save your money and buy one online," I told her.

"But those are all digitally printed, I want one that was really signed! I want to smell the ink," she said, jumping up on her seat and looking at me with puppy eyes.

"I'll think about it, but if I get you one you'll owe me, got it," I replied, getting a happy 'YAY' from her as she jumped off her seat and took her plate to the sink.

"I guess I should finish packing and head out," I muttered looking at the clock, it was currently around 7:15 ish.

"We'll help you," dad said, standing up but I stopped him.

"You guess have already helped me enough, let me do this on my own," I told them as I returned my plate to the sink and headed back to my room to grab the last few boxes.

"When did she grow up so fast," I could hear my dad mutter as he watched me shuffle down the hall.

"A long time ago, but you're just now realizing that she's not your little girl anymore, she's a young woman now," mum answered him before they got out of ear shot.

I grabbed the last few boxes and houlded them out to my car and stuffed them in the back, slamming the gate closed to ensure everything stayed in. My mum, dad, and sister came out with my last bag in my mums hand and my jacket in her other. She handed them to me with a proud look on her face as she hugged me tightly.

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