Chapter 13: Two Face. (Not Harvey Dent)

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"Her name is Kassandra." Harry corrected as he stood next to Quirrell looking into the mirror.

"Now tell me what you see." Quirrell demanded. 

I was trying to get myself free from the ropes that Quirrell had tied me up with. It wasn't that bad of a knot. So it was fairly easy to get out of. I didn't tie all the way out though. It would make Quirrell suspicious. 

Harry was looking into the mirror. He was feeling for something in his pocket. He gasped. Right there. Right then. I knew what was in there. But how? How did the Stone get into Harry's Pocket? 

Quirrell noticed Harry look away only slightly. "What is it? What do you see?" He asked.

Make something up Harry. Make something up.

"I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the House Cup." I could tell that Harry was lying by the sudden hesitation in his voice. 

"He Lies." I heard the voice whisper again. 

Quirrell was getting angry now. "Tell the truth! What did you see?!" 

"Let me speak to him." The Voice requested. 

"Master you are not strong enough. The Unicorn Blood-" Quirrell tried to say. 

So... that's why there were dead Unicorns in that forest. But, what the Centaurs said. Oh no. I think I know who that voice belongs to.

"I have strength enough for this." The Voice told Quirrell. 

Quirrell began unwrapping the turban over his head. Please don't let that be who I think it is. Please don't let that be who I think it is. But when Quirrell unwrapped the last layer, it revealed a face, a terrifying one. With Red Eyes, barely a nose. It was almost like looking at the Janus. The God with two heads. Oh no. It is him. 

"Harry Potter. We meet again." That Face greeted with no friendliness in his voice. 

"Voldemort." Harry gasped. 

I have many questions about this. So if Quirrell was at the back of his head the whole time, then how was he able to sleep? I imagine he had to sleep on his side. Otherwise Voldemort would've been suffocated. And Sneezing, or coughing? And how was Voldemort able to breath under that Turban? And Eating? I don't even want to know. I don't say that out loud, of course. I didn't want a target on my back.

"Yes." Voldemort replied. "See what I've become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another. Unicorn Blood can sustain me, but it cannot give me a body of my own. And the Cursed Vaults power is gone. Courtesy of Ethan Bauer. But there is something else that can. Something that, conveniently enough, lies in your pocket." 

"Harry, run!" I yelled out. 

Harry sprinted towards the exit. 

"Stop him!" Voldemort yelled. 

Quirrell snapped his fingers again, creating a wall of fire that made Harry get back. Well... at least it wasn't an energy wall.

"Going somewhere so soon?" Voldemort asked. And he had a manipulative voice around him. "Why suffer a horrific death when you can join me and live forever?" He sounded just like Darth Vader when he tried to convince Luke to come to the Dark Side. 

And Harry was just as defiant as Luke was. "Never!" 

Voldemort laughed very dryly. "Bravery. Your parents had it too. Tell me, Harry, would you like to have them back? Together we can do just that. All I ask is something in return." He offered. 

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