Chapter 14: End of the Year.

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Beatrice was carrying Harry out of the Trap Door. Fluffy wasn't there. Beatrice told me that Hagrid had taken Fluffy from the Trap Door. But what was waiting for us, was Professor Dumbledore and the other Professors.

Malaka. Here was going to come the punishment for me. I was going to be expelled. I just knew it. 

"I'm pleased to see that you are not dead, Miss Bauer." Dumbledore greeted with a warm smile. 

"Um... likewise." I replied. 

"Is Harry Potter alright?" McGonagall asked. 

"He got knocked out pretty bad." Beatrice answered. 

"We can thank Vol- I mean, You Know Who for that." I added. 

"What? He was here?" Flitwick asked in pure shock. 

"Yes. We had a fight. Harry saved me. But-" I started to say.

"It's alright, Miss. Bauer. Why don't you start from the beginning?" Dumbledore suggested. "Miss. Haywood. Please take Harry to the Hospital Wing." 

Beatrice left us. And took Harry with her. 

So, I told Dumbledore and the Professors everything. About how we thought that it was Snape that was really working for Voldemort. Going through all the traps. And encountering Quirrell who had Voldemort living on the back of his head. And how Voldemort pulled a whole I was behind everything one of those types.

Anyway. I also added in how when Quirrell tried to grab Harry. "Harry had the hands of death upon him and used them to kill Quirrell. But then Voldemort appeared like a spirit and ran right into Harry. He would've one to me too, but Beatrice had saved me. And that's it."

"I suspected as much." Dumbledore said.

"To think, Professor. You Know Who was under our very nose this whole time." McGonagall commented.

"Actually, it was under the Turban." I clarified.

McGonagall glared at me. "I realize you don't want constructive criticism right now." I mumble looking down.

But McGonagall did walk up to me. "Are you hurt, Miss. Bauer?" She asked.

"No. I'm okay." I answered. "Just a little shocked is all. It's really Ron that was-" My eyes widened. "Oh, Gods! Ron! He-" 

"He's fine. And so is Hermione." Dumbledore assured. "I crossed paths with Hermione's Owl in Mid Air. And by the time I came back to Hogwarts, Beatrice had already ran into the Trap Door to find you." 

"I'm sorry, Professor. I should've-" I started to say.

"Kassie." Dumbledore said to me. "You did what you had to do. You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione all did. Now, do you have the Stone?" He asked. 

I pulled out the Stone. "I-It's right here, sir." I answered. 

"Thank you, Kassie." Dumbledore took the stone. 

"So... are you going to destroy it?" I asked. "And that means Nicholas Flamel will die." 

Dumbledore looked at me. "You know about Nicholas Flamel, do you?" He asked impressed. "Well done. He and I will have a talk. And we will decide on what is best."

"If Nicholas will die. I pray that he will be granted Elysium." I said. I don't know why I pray to Hades to send a man I didn't know to Elysium. But it just felt like it would suit a great man who made so many accomplishments. 

But there's another thing on my mind. "So is, Vol-I mean, You Know Who-?" 

"Call him Voldemort, Kassie. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself." Dumbledore told me. 

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