"How dare you, don't you know who I am," he bellowed.

"No, no I don't," I replied back, crouching down into a fighting stance, weapon behind me ready to strike.

"I'm Lord Garmadon, and I am your worst nightmare," he yelled as a shark looking helicopter came down and retrieved him, flying away.

"Like I care. For the love of IRENE! I just got here and I already had to interfere with something," I grumbled to myself as I made the mess disappear into nothing and fixed any damage that happened to the surrounding buildings. In the distance I could hear the sound of mechanics groaning as they approached.

"Wait, I thought Garmadon was here," someone yelled as several mechs came crashing down in the street.

"He was, sadly you just missed him," I responded as I summed my dragon. Then, what I believe to be a group of ninja looked at me, surprised to see someone in the area.

"And who are you," asked the Green colored Ninja. I smiled and kicked the sides of my dragon, causing it to take off.

"A demon that was given a holy light," I told him. He looked at me confused as I flew towards him, my ears and tail becoming evident.

"But you can see me as an ally," I said to him, flipping my dragon over and booping him on the noise before I flew off.

Chapter 2

The weekend came to an end and soon Monday's sun dawned over the eastern horizon, and flooded my bedroom with a soft yellow light, waking me up. I groaned as I shifted up in the bed and pulled my covers off of me and slipped down to the cold hardwood floor causing me to cringe at its chilling touch. I raised my hands above my head, stretching my sore and tense muscles making me wince in pain.

"Who knew that just flying a dragon around would be so bad on your back," I grumbled to myself as I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my normal set of clothes.

"If I didn't know better I would think I was a fictional character that only had a limited number of outfits to wear," I hummed to myself as I walked into the restroom to get ready for the day.


I hopped down the stairs of the porch and walked over to my truck, school bag in hand and toast in mouth. I unlocked the passenger side and placed the bag inside and buckled it in. I slid across the hood and unlocked my side and jumped in. I pushed the key into the ignition and struggled to get the key to turn.

"I really need to get that fixed before I break the key off in it," I muttered to myself as the key finally turned and the truck started. After releasing the parking brake and shifting into reverse I was down the road and on my way to Ninjago High.

The ride was nice and quiet till I reached the major part of the city and was stuck in the early morning traffic. I grumbled to myself at how many times I would have to roll back and push the clutch and gas down trying to get the truck to start up again. Soon I was pulling into the extremely large sized parking lot in front of the high school as a long line of busses pulled into the unloading lane. I parked myself towards the end of the parking lot where there was barely anyone else parked and locked up the truck.

I strolled up to the school house, dogging people and cars as I went. The walk up the stairs was a long and grueling process making me realize why Ninjago High had a really good track and football team. Once at the top I leaned down on my knees and took a deep breath, resting my aching calves.

"My Irene, that was a long climb," I complained as I looked for someone to help me. Light blond hair caught my eye from a distance leading me towards the owner of it for help.

I walked up to the person to see a fairly attractive guy standing with a group of other people. His green hoodie popped out from his light complexion.

"Excuse me sir," I said, tapping him on his shoulder. Instead of him turning around to ask me what I needed he grabbed my hand and folded it behind my back and held me in place with his other hand on my waist, popping my arm and back joints in the process.

"I don't know what I did to you so please leave me alone," he growled at me in a deep tone. His friends behind him however started to freak out.

"L-Lloyd! She was just asking for help," A girl said from behind him. He froze for a second and then let me go. I grabbed my wrist and shook it out.

"I am so sorry ma'am! I-I didn't know, I thought you were someone else," he said, I was about to let loose on him but when I looked into his eyes I saw that he wasn't lying, and that he meant every word. I just sighed.

"It's fine, I understand. Thanks for popping my arm and back though, they were really stiff. And I may not know you but I can tell that you must get picked on a lot. Anyway, Hi there! I am Helena but people usually call me Helen. I am new here, and I was wondering if you could help me find the office so I can gather my class schedule and locker combination!" I asked him and his other friends.

"O-Oh. Sure I'll help you. I am Lloyd and these are my other friends. Cole, Jay, Kai, Nya, And last but not least Zane," Lloyd said pointing his friends out, each waving as he called their names out. Nya just squealed and ran up to me, hugging me tightly.

"Your. So. Small," she said as she let go of me and grabbed my hand and led me inside, the others not far behind.

"Nya, she asked me to help her," Lloyd said, running up to her. She just giggled and continued to lead me to the office.

"You will have to forgive her, she never really gets to talk to anyone, especially another girl," Lloyd sighed, I just looked at him, confused.

"Why is that?" I asked him, but before he could respond someone else came up and started talking.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Garmadork and the gang. What are you doing to that poor new girl right there," a guy said from behind us. I wiggled out of Nya's grasp and turned around to fully look at the future instigator.

"What do you mean sir," I asked him, pushing my glasses back up my nose.

"Oh you don't know! That right there is the offspring of Lord Garmadon. He's trouble you know," the guy replied, and I just looked at him dumb founded.

"You realize his parental units have no sway over who he truly is right? I mean so what, his father may be Lord Garmadon but just because he's evil doesn't make Lloyd evil. You do know that evil is not something that can be passed down via genetics, right?" I said to him in a voice that can only be explained as mocking in a way. The guy just stood there with a dumb look on his face as he tried to think of something to say.

"Brad, just leave us and her alone," Lloyd said, stepping in front of me, his fist tight at his sides.

Brad just scoffed and walked away. Lloyd let out a silent sigh and turned back around to me, a look of guilt in his face. I let out a little chuckle causing him to look at me weirdly, his friends as well.

"I don't care who your father or your mother is! Because in the end it's you and you alone that gets to decide whom you get to be," I told him. I turned around, my hair flipping a little, spotting the office in the distance and started to walk away.

"I can't wait to get to know you and your group better, Lloyd Garmadon," I muttered

Chapter 3

The office was quiet, as school had yet to start and no one was needing to scream at someone or something 


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