Newsworthy: Part 1

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Aria's POV:

Recently, there's been a mutant hippo in a magician's tuxedo terrorizing local magicians, and stealing their trick animals. So, we've decided to have Raph dress up in a hippo suit posing as a female hippo in search of a mate. We're on patro the city, Raph wearing said suit & constantly complaining about it. He takes off the hippo head to complain, again.

Raph: "You sure that evil mutant hippo is around here? It's a million degrees in this thing."

Mikey jumps to stand beside Raph and places the hippo suit's head over his.

Mikey: "Um, I'd be happy to wear it if you need a break. Or we could have Aria wear it. She is a female after all."

Donnie sends Mikey a defensive look.

Donnie: "Absolutely not!"

I laugh as I place a hand on his shoulder. He puts his hand over mine as Raph speaks up, grabbing the hippo head from Mikey's grip.

Raph: "Relax, Donnie. Besides, I'm the leader. The leader wears the suit."

Leo dons a sly grin as he voices his agreement.

Leo: "Plus, Raph is the most hippo-like."

We all laugh before Raph turns to me with a request.

Raph: "If I'm gonna attract him, I'll need a little more of that 'female hippo' scent."

I nod as I pull out a perfume bottle shaped like a hippo's head.

Me: "You got it, big brother!"

I give him two spritzes of the perfume as Raph sighs.

Raph: "Jazzy fresh."

Suddenly, we hear a voice call out from a nearby playground.

Warren: "Help!"

Me: "That's gotta be him."

We leap to stand on the roof of a play house as the voice calls out once more. We see two arrows directed at a magician's saw box, with a worm's head is sticking out of one end.

Warren: "A hippo magician is trying to saw my magic worm in half."

Leo: "Does anyone else find this whole thing a little...."

We each interject with our own theories.

Donnie: "Odd? Just-"

Mikey & I: "Magic worm?"

Raph: "Totally legit!"

Raph leaps to stand on a large sheet of paper in an attempt so save the 'magic' worm.

Raph: "Don't worry, Raph'll save you."

He tries to walk, only to stick to the paper. So, he calls out to us in distress.

Raph: "Uh, hey hey. Raph's stuck."

I facepalm and shake my head.

Me: "Not again. Come on, Leo."

Leo rolls his eyes at our brother's situation as we both leap to help Raph out of his sticky situation. Literally. Suddenly, the worm lifts his head to...speak?!

Warren: "Ha, ha, ha, ha! Stepped right into my goop trap."

We each turn to him with confused looks. Donnie leaps to stand next to me, while Mikey leaps to stand next to Leo.

Raph & I: "Your what now?"

Warren: "Goop trap."

Mikey: "Talking magic worm?"

The worm jumps to sit, or stand, on top of the box.

Warren: "That was all a ruse. For I am Warren Stone, your greatest foe, and-"

Leo pokes Warren with his sword as he speaks in a nonchalant tone.

Leo: "I'm sorry. Warren who?"

Warren swats his sword away with an annoyed look.

Warren: "Stop it! Stone, I'm your greatest-"

Leo: "Ah, don't tell me. What are you? Uh, Worm-Man?"

Warren: "No, no, no, I'm Wa-"

Raph suddenly calls out to regain our attention.

Raph: "Can someone help me get unstuck?"

Leo: "Fine."

While Leo & Donnie try to get Raph unstuck, I do my best to show our new, acquaintance some decency.

Me: "Sorry about them. So, Warren Stone, was it?"

He turns to me with a nod of confirmation.

Me: "I don't mean to burst your bubble, but you're not our 'greatest foe'. I'm afraid that title belongs to someone else."

His look changes to one of anger & disbelief.

Warren: "How dare you! I am your greatest enemy, and no one can ever take that away from me! Especially not some powerless, pretty-faced, hack who thinks she can win me over with her 'goody two-shoes' act."

As he leaps to attack me, Leo turns to us with a defensive look. Suddenly, he rushes over to me as he swings his sword through the air, slicing Warren in half.


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