Chapter 17

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**3 months latter**

Its been hell. My mother had to move us to a two bedroom apartment because she had to get a different job and she lost the house.

Every day I used to cut. Well up until about a month ago. My mother found out. She also found out i haven't been eating again.

She took me to my doctor. If you couldn't tell i didn't gane enuf weight. So my doctor said i have to stay at the hospital under 24 hour watch.

Most of the time I'm just in my room and i look at the wall. I got better i eat more. Not a lot but enuf.

I don't really talk much any more. I still have my laptop so i check up on the guys twitters. I check there vines too. Funny how they let my have my laptop but not my phone.

They all are pretty famous now. Well every one but Taylor. He doesn't post on his vine anymore.

The Jacks have a EP. So does Shawn. I listen to Shawn's songs at least once a day.

On his EP 'A Little Too Much' is on it. I remember when he sang that too me. I smiled at the memory.

Well right now I'm on Carters Instagram. I see a photo of Him and a girl. Shes very pretty too.


I might seem fine but in not. I haven't talked to one person since Maddie left. I just sit in my room and look at the wall.

I haven't talk to Madison the whole time. The last thing she posted on Twitter was a tweet that said 'I hope your happy.' And that was the day after she left.

Carter comes to talk to me but I don't say anything back. Schools out for the summer.

Right now its 12:36 in the afternoon. Im home alone. Carter went out with the guys. I walk into the bathroom. I put my hands on the sink and lean on it. I look up at the mirror. I filed up with anger all of a sudden and i punch the mirror.

The mirror brakes and theres pieces of it in my hand. I don't feel the pain yet but i will soon.

"Taylor I'm home." Carter said and walked upstairs. "Oh my god Taylor." Carter walked into my room and my bathroom door was open. So he saw my hand.

"Come here." Carter pulled me into his bathroom. the one that used to be Madison's. He looks though his cupboard and takes out tweezers.

"This is going to hurt like a bitch." he says looking at me. I shrug.

He starts pulling out the glass. He was right. It did hurt like a bitch. I try not to yell or cry. "I told you it was going to hurt." Carter said with a smirk.

After he got all the glass he gave me some stuff to wrap my hand with.

"What were you thinking?" Carter asked. I shrugged. Carter sighed.

"Look we all miss her. Okay. Shes not dead you can call her. See her. Anything. But instead you sit in your room and stair at the fucking wall!" Carter started to yell.

I flinched at the loudness. He took out his phone. "Here." He gave me his phone and Madison's contact was pulled up.

I took the phone and hit the call button and walked into my room and sat on my bed. There was a ring. Than another. Than another. Than some one picked up.

"Hello?" the voice said. I was working up the courage to talk."hello?" "Hi is this Madison?" I spoke for the first time in the three months. "No this is her mother. Madison is not aloud a phone."

"Were is she?" I asked. "Shes um. How do i put this. She in the hospital."

"Why is she in the hospital?" i asked getting really worried.

"Uh who is this?" her mother asked. "Im Taylor i was her uh. Best friend from the school." I said.

"Oh. Uh. Taylor. She has an eating disorder. They said she needs to stay at the hospital so they can keep an eye on her. She also had scares on her wrists. Did know that she cut?"

I was shocked. "No i didn't know about that." I said trying to hold my tears in. "I thought she was getting better with eating?"

"Wait. You knew about her anorexia? When did she tell you?" She asked sounding a bit angry.

"Uh i did know about it and she didn't tell me. Her friend Shawn knew about it. But he couldn't be with her 24/7 so he told me about it so I could keep an eye on her." I said.

"Okay well she is at wash Hospital. (Not a real hospital) You can visit 8am to 9 pm." Her mother told me. "Okay thank you." i told her and we hung up.

"Carter!" i yelled. "You yelled." He said walking into the room. "Heres your phone." i handed him his phone and took out mine.

I called Cameron. "Hello?" he said as he picked up. "Hey uh Cam its Taylor." i said "whats up man? how have you been?" he asked.

"I've been better. But do you mind driving me to a hospital?" i asked unsure of what he will say. "Sure. But why?" he asked "because thats were Madison is." I said. "I will be right there." Cam said and hung up.

A few minuets latter Cam honked his horn. I walked outside and got into the car. I told him were it was. "That three hours away!" i shrugged. We drove in silence. Once we got there we parked.

"Are you coming in with me?" i asked. "I think you should see her alone." Cam said. i nodded my head and got out of the car. I walked inside and walked to the front desk.

"Hi I'm here to visit Madison Gray." I said to the laddie. "Okay. Room 153." She said with a smile. I walked around till i found her room.

I knocked on the door. I heard a very week "come in" I opened the door and saw a girl sitting on a bed painting something. She turned and looked at me. She had Reddish hair and green eyes.

"Uh do I have the right room I'm looking for Madison." i said to the girl. "Oh Maddie's at therapy. Your welcome to wait here. Im Acea but you can call me Ace." She said and sat down at a key bored and put a note book on a stand.

"So how do you know Maddie?" she asked. "I uh. we were friends." I said.

"How come you did come to visit her before?" She asked starting to play."I have been busy." i lied. "Im sorry i didn't catch your name." Ace said looking at me. "Taylor." I said.

"I knew i recognized you from some ware." She said. I looked at her confused. "You Taylor Caniff right?" i was taken back by her question. I nodded my head slowly.

"Well I know you because you were pretty famous on vine about six months ago. Than you just stopped." She said writing something in a book on her keyboard stand.

"Well I don't really have any inspirations at the moment." i said shrugging my shoulders.

"Tell me these pass months that Maddie wasn't in you life what did you do? Because i sure as hell know you weren't happy." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Let me asked you this. Did you sit there and not talk? did you not do anything but stair at a wall? did you barely eat?" she asked. I nodded my head. "How did you know?" i asked.

"I was were you where. I lost my Best friend. He was my rock. We've been friends since we were little. But one day he got into a car crash and didn't make it. I lost my rock. After awhile i total lost it. Thats how i ended up here." She told me writing something down and playing.

"You didn't have to tell me all that." i whispered.

"But i did. Once i got here and was locked up. I still didnt eat. But than i went to a group therapy and a girl got made because i wasn't talking she told me what I'm going to tell you." She played a few cords.

"All those days that you just starred at a wall you lost. Every day is valuable. You, my friend just lost what? Three months of you life?" She said.

I had to stop and think about that for a second. Than i heard the door open. "Taylor?"

Hello. So i have a plan now. This story will be updated ever Monday. thanks for reading.

Pice out ~AVERIE.

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