"Yeah. Then I guess we both know who it's gotta be."

"I guess we do."

"I'm starting to think we mean different people here, Natasha."

"For the last five years, I've been trying to do one thing. Get to right here. That's all it's been about. Bringing everybody back."

"No, don't you get all decent on me now."

"What, you think I wanna do it?"

"I'm trying to save your life, you idiot."

"Yeah, well, I don't want you to. How's that?"

"Natasha, you know what I've done. You know what I've become."

"Oh, I don't judge people on their worst mistakes."

"Maybe you should."

"You didn't."

"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?"

You listened to the conversation between the two. Before Nat or you could say anything else, you were attacked by Thanos Chitauri. Clint and Nat fought the Chitauri. You watched the two fight. Seeing Nat get hurt, Y/N made up her mind and turned back towards the cliff. Before any of the Chitauri could attack you, you jumped down the cliff. Clint and Natasha soon found themselves in the water. When Nat opened her hand there was the soul stone.

present time

After Clint and Natasha explained what happened, Amy ran straight towards Nat. The redhead pulled Amy into a hug and held her tight. Amy cried when she heard that she had lost her mother. "We have all the stones. That means if we use them, we can get them all back. Y/N too." said Thor now. None of the others wanted to contradict him, as they didn't want to take away Amy's hope that she could have both parents again.

Tony immediately set about making a gauntlet where they could use the stones. They all knew they only had this one try. After the gauntlet was finished, the only question was who would use the stones. Thor and Loki both wanted to do it, but Bruce was chosen. Bruce donned the gauntlet and the stones brought him excruciating pain. Bruce snapped his fingers. Now it was time to wait, a little later Clint's cell phone rang. His wife Laura called him and they knew it had worked. But before they could cheer there was an explosion and the compound was destroyed.

What none of the others had realized was that Nebula wasn't who they knew. It was the Nebula that was loyal to Thanos. She had swapped places with the other Nebula to bring her father to this time. After the compound was destroyed, Nebula went to her father, who had appeared in the meantime. He had brought his whole army with him.


"Yes, Father."

"So, this is the future. You did good."

"Thank you, Father. They suspected nothing."

"The arrogant never do. Go. Find the stones, bring them to me."

"What will you do?"

"Wait." was all Thanos said to his daughter.

Natasha POV

Clint, Amy and I were below the compound. Clint had the gauntlet and I looked at Amy to see if she was hurt. From the looks of it, Amy only got a few scratches. "Clint we have to get out of here." I said to him as I helped Amy to her feet. Before Clint could say anything, we heard growls behind us. I looked at Clint, he nodded, I grabbed Amy and we ran. The Outriders were after us.

We ran for our lives, yet I had the feeling that the Outriders weren't getting any closer to us. It was almost as if something was preventing them from getting to us. Some time later we reached an exit and we climbed up a ladder. At the top, Nebula was waiting for us and Clint gave her the Gauntlet. But what we didn't know was that it wasn't the Nebula we knew. "Father, I have the stones." we now heard them say. Before they could stop, she was already gone.

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