Chapter 2

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Natasha POV

We were in Germany, outside of Berlin. Fury had informed us that there was a Hydra base near Berlin. We should destroy the base and look for survivors that have been experimented on.

"Tasha the way in front of you is free." said Clint over the commlink.

"Thanks. I'll go in and plant the bomb. Have you found someone yet?"

"The cells I passed were all empty. Is Fury sure there is someone else here?" said Wanda worriedly.

I could understand Wanda's concern. She knows best what Hydra does to you.
I got to the place where I was supposed to plant the bomb. When I was setting the timer, something was moving behind me.

"Guys, here's somebody. I don't know if it's Hydra agents or if it's one of their experiments." I informed the others.

"Romanoff be careful. We don't know if they are dangerous." it came from Stark.

I ignored what Stark was saying and then slowly walked in the direction from which I heard the noises. When I got there, I saw a cell with the door on the floor. I looked in the cell and felt sick. There was dried blood everywhere. I didn't want to know what happened there.

I turned away to go back to the bomb when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. It all happened so quickly that I hit the wall and the person ran past me. I got up in pain and followed the person.

"Cap, Bucky, someone is running in your direction. Try to stop them. Fury will definitely want to question them." I informed the two super soldiers. When I was finally out, I saw Bucky help Steve get back on his feet.

"What happened?"

"If only we knew. It all happened so quickly. We wanted to stop them, but they dodged me and knocked Steve to the ground."

"We have to find out what Hydra did to them. Banner start the Quinjet, we are on our way back." Steve informed the others.

After we were all back at the Quinjet, Stark detonated the bomb with a remote detonator.

"Another hydra base has been destroyed. Fury will not be pleased that the experiment escaped us." Stark said to all of us.

I knew that Stark was right about what he was saying. Fury will be mad at us when we get back.

2 years later

I sat in the conference room and listened to Fury as he explained my new mission to me. As I listened to him, I flipped through the files he gave me.

My target was Y/N L/N. Gender Female. Two different eye colors resulted from the experiments. Black hair with a strand of white hair. 24 years old and has been with Hydra since birth.

"Agent Hill, will tell you where you have to go. Hill should find out where we are going to find her at any moment. Romanoff, we have to find her at all costs and get her to safety. Hydra is not allowed to get her hands on her anymore."

Before I could answer Fury, the door to the conference room opened and Agent Hill rushed in. I looked at Agent Maria Hill and waited for what she had to say.

"Fury, we don't have much time. Hydra aren't the only ones after her. The Red Room wants her too."

When I heard what Hill was saying, I jumped up and knocked over the chair I was sitting on. Fury and Hill both looked at me now. "If the red room has a hand in it, then I know who they are going to send." I said now.

"Natasha, our information shows that she is in Russia in Moscow. The Quinjet is already ready."

I now hurried out of the room and into my room to get my suit. With my clothes completely changed, I went to the Quinjet. No sooner had I entered the Quinjet than it took off. I took a seat next to the pilot and hoped that my guess was wrong.

"Yelena hopefully you're not involved."

Y/N apartment

I entered L/N's apartment. The apartment was kept simple. When I entered the living room, a gun was held to my head. I sighed, knowing exactly who was holding the gun to my head.

I spun around and drew my gun too. We both just looked at each other. Neither of us wanted to make a mistake, so we didn't let each other out of our eyes.

"Что ты здесь делаешь?" (What are you doing here?)
"Я мог бы спросить тебя о том же, сестра?" (I could ask you the same thing, sister?)

Before I could answer Yelena, we heard noises in the hallway. Then we heard someone curse. Yelena and I looked at each other and then we hurried into the hallway. But we were too slow, she got away from us. We both cursed loudly.

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