Chapter 9

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3rd Person POV

Y/N looked at the floor, she couldn't look at the four anymore. She just couldn't believe that the three of them would tease her like that. After she was sure she wasn't blushing anymore. She looked at the four and wondered what to say now.

"Now that you've teased me enough. Shouldn't we then go to the others? I think Stark and Rogers want to know what I can do or whether I'm only dependent on Carnage." she said now and slowly walked to the door.

The others laughed briefly and followed the black-haired one out of the room. A little later the five arrived in the training room. The others were already waiting for them there.

Tony went straight to Y/N and when he stood in front of her she just looked at him. "So what have you been taught or do you just rely on the parasite?"

The black-haired one rolled her eyes when she heard what Stark asked her now. The others stopped what they were doing and now looked over at the two of them.

"They trained me in various things. I can handle small calibers and larger ones. I also know how to fight with a knife. I am also good at hand-to-hand combat." Y/N said and then saw Tony grin.

"If you are really as good as you just said then you shouldn't have a problem fighting either of us, should you?"

"I don't see a problem in there. The only question left is who it will be. You, the toaster, Captain America, Spiderboy or whoever  wants to compete against me."

"Metal Arm you're going to fight her." Tony said now and Bucky nodded.

The two now stepped into the ring and took a fighting stance.

"I don't want to hurt you, Doll."

As soon as Bucky had said this, he found himself on the mat. Y/N had grabbed his arm and threw him over her shoulder.

"I'm used to worse. You can't hurt me, Buck." she said with a grin.

Bucky got up again and nodded. The two exchanged a few blows. The fight had been going on for 15 minutes and neither of them wanted to give in. Then something happened where none of those present would have counted. Bucky took the next stroke and Y/N was too slow to duck. His metal arm collided with her jaw and they all heard bones break.

The black-haired one sagged to the floor and stopped moving. Bucky immediately got on his knees and put his fingers on Y/N Pulse. "F.R.I.D.A.Y what do her vital signs say?" Tony asked with a slight panic in his voice.

"I'm sorry, sir. There are no more vital signs." came the answer from the A.I. When Bucky heard this the color drained from his face. He didn't want something like that to happen. While the others panic, Wanda, Natasha and Yelena wondered when you would get up again. The three were the only ones who knew you couldn't die.

TW short mention of suicide


I saw exactly where Bucky was aiming and I let him hit me. But where I didn't expect the impact to break my neck. I fell to the ground like a wet sack and lay there.

"Shit that hurt like a bitch." I said as I slowly sat up. All eyes were now on me when they heard what I said. Bucky pulled me into his arms and apologized several times to me.

"I thought I killed you. F.R.I.D.A.Y said you had no vital signs. How come you are alive?" it came from Bucky as he let go of me and helped me to my feet.

"Yes, I would like to know that too."

"I can't die. It's not the same as Dr. Banner and Hulk. I've already told Nat, Yelena and Wanda this. Because of the experiments that have been done on me, I cannot die. I tried to kill myself once, but it didn't work. I just woke up the next day with a bad headache. And if I lose limbs, they will grow back again," I said now. They all looked at me in shock and I just shrugged my shoulders.

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